Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 15: Poster I
MA 15.3: Poster
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:00–12:30, P1
Towards time-resolved cubic Magneto-optic Kerr effect measurements — •Farell Keiser, Wentao Zhang, Yuhao Meng, Maik Gaerner, Nicolas Beermann, Hassan Hafez, Savio Fabretti, Timo Kuschel, and Dmitry Turchinovich — Bielefeld University, Germany
The magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE) represents an alteration in the polarization of light when it is reflected from a magnetized surface. MOKE-based techniques are widely employed to characterize the magnetic properties of thin films. While many experiments focus on first- or second-order MOKE [1,2], a systematic investigation of the third order "cubic MOKE" (CMOKE) was only reported recently [3]. In this study, we present time-resolved MOKE measurements in Ni(111) thin films to investigate the dynamics of CMOKE. Specifically, we measure MOKE-curves for different sample orientations under strong optical pumping to observe the influence of demagnetization on the CMOKE. Time-resolved MOKE measurements were performed for different sample orientations and pump fluences.
[1] R. Silber et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 262401 (2020)
[2] R. Silber et al., Phys. Rev. B 100, 064403 (2019)
[3] M. Gaerner et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024066 (2024)
Keywords: Magneto-optic Kerr effect; MOKE; Time-resolved MOKE; higher order effects; magnetic thin films