Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 18: Functional Antiferromagnetism
MA 18.4: Talk
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 14:45–15:00, H19
Domain walls properties and spin-flop transition in Cr2O3 — •Paulina J. Prusik1,2, Igor Veremchuk1, Florin Radu3, Andrey N. Anisimov1, Pavlo Makushko1, Georgy V. Astakhov1, Sophie F. Weber4, René Hübner1, Nicola A. Spaldin4, Kirill D. Belashchenko5, Jürgen Fassbender1,2, Denys Makarov1, and Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi1 — 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. — 2Dresden University of Technology, 01062 Dresden, Germany — 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, 14109 Berlin, Germany — 4ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland — 5University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588, USA
A room-temperature magnetoelectric uniaxial antiferromagnet Cr2O3 is a prospective material for spintronics and fundamental research [1,2]. We derive a σ-model for Cr2O3 and show the presence of a symmetry-breaking term relevant for non-collinear magnetic textures. It couples the magnetic field with a gradient of the Néel vector. Analyzing quantum magnetometry images of antiferromagnetic domain walls, we can properly describe the material parameters of Cr2O3. Furthermore, this term results in lowering of the spin-flop field for thin films of Cr2O3 by a factor of two comparing with single crystals. This finding is confirmed by X-ray magnetic linear dichroism measurements.
[1] J. Han et al., Nat. Mater. 22 (2023) 684; He et al, Nat. El. (2024) [2] P. Makushko et al., Nat. Comm. 13, 6745 (2022); O.V. Pylypovskyi et al., Phys. Rev. Let. 132, 226702 (2024); S.F. Weber et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 146701 (2023)
Keywords: Antiferromagnetism; domain walls; spin-flop transition; ferrotoroidicity