
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 22: Caloric Effects in Ferromagnetic Materials

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 09:30–11:30, H19

09:30 MA 22.1 Utilizing frustration in Gd- and Yb-based oxides for milli-Kelvin adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration — •Tim Treu, Prachi Telang, Marvin Klinger, Alexander Tsirlin, Anton Jesche, and Philipp Gegenwart
09:45 MA 22.2 High-throughput design of all-d-metal Heusler alloys for transverse thermoelectric applications — •Fu Li, Hao Wang, Ruiwen Xie, and Hongbin Zhang
10:00 MA 22.3 Electronic structure of all-d-metal Ni(-Co)-Mn-Ti vs. p-d Ni2MnSn: DFT and XAS insights — •Olga Miroshkina, Johanna Lill, Benedikt Eggert, Benedikt Beckmann, David Koch, Franziska Scheibel, Katharina Ollefs, Wolfgang Donner, Oliver Gutfleisch, Heiko Wende, and Markus Gruner
10:15 MA 22.4 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of magnetocaloric Fe2AlB2 single crystals — •Nicolas Josten, Ralf Meckenstock, Anna Semisalova, Benedikt Beckmann, Konstantin Skokov, Oliver Gutfleisch, Hanna Pazniak, Thierry Ouisse, Michael Farle, and Ulf Wiedwald
10:30 MA 22.5 Effect of boron doping on the magnetocaloric properties in La(Fe, Si)13 — •M. Straßheim, C. Salazar-Mejía, J. Wosnitza, and T. Gottschall
10:45 MA 22.6 Direct measurements of the adiabatic temperature change of a dysprosium single crystal — •E. Bykov, T. Gottschall, J. Wosnitza, C. Salazar Mejia, M. D. Kuz’min, Y. Mudryk, and D. L. Schlagel
11:00 MA 22.7 Estimation of the inverse giant barocaloric effect in Fe2P — •Sven Wiesekopsieker, Tapas Samanta, Chris Taake, Judith Bünte, Andreas Hütten, and Luana Caron
11:15 MA 22.8 Towards the hydrogenation of DyCo2 for cryogenic magnetocaloric liquefaction applications — •Allan Döring, Imants Dirba, Fernando Maccari, Konstantin Skokov, and Oliver Gutfleisch
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