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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 26: Ultrafast Magnetization Effects I
MA 26.1: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 15:00–15:15, H16
Terahertz field assisted magneto-optical effects in nonmagnetic substrates — •Sergey Kovalev1, Igor Ilyakov2, Anneke Reinold1, Patrick Pilch1, Ahmed Ghalgaoui1, Ruslan Salikhov2, Jürgen Lindner2, Cong Li3, Jianbing Zhang3, Pu Yu3, and Zhe wang1 — 1Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany — 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany — 3Tsinghua University, China
Coherent control of matter on ultrafast timescales is attracting much attention due to numerous applications in advanced technologies. Strong terahertz (THz) fields are highly demanded in many of these studies, which focus on the control of carrier flow, spin dynamics, orbital polarisation and various aspects of nonlinear electron dynamics. For these studies it is very important to understand and disentangle different THz field induced processes occurring in the investigated systems and their substrates. In this contribution, we present two effects that occur in fused silica [1] and in LaAlO3 driven by strong THz field, resulting in rotation of laser pulse polarisation. These observations are due to the magneto-optical effect in amorphous systems or the Kerr electro-optical effect in anisotropic systems. Our results show that in general these effects should be carefully considered in the studies of ultrafast THz magnetisation dynamics by ultrafast pump-probe approaches. [1] S. Kovalev et al., Optics Letters 49, 4749 (2024)