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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 26: Ultrafast Magnetization Effects I

MA 26.5: Vortrag

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 16:00–16:15, H16

Ultrafast orbital Hall effect in metallic nanoribbons — •Oliver Busch, Franziska Ziolkowski, Börge Göbel, Ingrid Mertig, and Jürgen Henk — Institut für Physik, Martin-Luther-Universität, D-06099 Halle

The orbital Hall effect can generate currents of angular momentum more efficiently than the spin Hall effect in most metals. However, so far, it has only been understood as a steady-state phenomenon [1]. In this theoretical study, the orbital Hall effect is extended into the time domain [2]. We investigate the orbital angular momenta and their currents induced by a femtosecond laser pulse in a Cu nanoribbon.

Our numerical simulations provide detailed insights into the laser-driven electron dynamics on ultrashort timescales with atomic resolution. As we show, the ultrafast orbital Hall effect described here is consistent with the familiar pictorial representation of the static orbital Hall effect, but we also find pronounced differences between physical quantities that carry orbital angular momentum and those that carry charge. For example, there are deviations in the time series of the respective currents. This work lays the foundations for investigating ultrafast Hall effects in confined metallic systems.

[1] D. Go et al. Europhysics Letters 135, 37001 (2021)

[2] O. Busch et al., Physical Review Research 6, 013208 (2024)

Keywords: Orbital Hall effect; Ultrafast electron dynamics; Laser excitation

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg