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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 28: Cooperative Phenomena: Spin Structures and Magnetic Phase Transitions
MA 28.1: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 15:00–15:15, H19
Correlations of short-range environment and hyperfine parameters in disordered FeV thin-films — •Simon Rauls1, Benedikt Eggert1, Jürgen Fasbender2, Kay Potzger2, Rantej Bali2, and Heiko Wende1 — 1Faculty of Physics and CENIDE, University of Duisburg-Essen — 2Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
The binary alloy Fe1−xVx shows a variety of interesting properties, ranging from antiparallel coupling of induced V magnetic moments up to 1 µB per V atom to the positive vibrational entropy in the disorder/order transition from the A2 to the B2 bcc-crystalline phase. Furthermore, around equiatomic composition, the structurally complex σ-phase might develop. To understand these effects, the local atomic environment as well as both structural and chemical disorder need to be considered. Using Mössbauer spectroscopy, the local environment of 57Fe atoms and different aspects of disorder can be investigated through careful analysis of the distribution of hyperfine parameters, i.e.. the hyperfine field splitting and the isomer shift. In this talk, the conversion electron Mössbauer spectra of the entire concentration range of Fe1−xVx thin film samples are presentedd. Enrichment with 95% 57Fe results in a very high signal to noise ratio, which allows for comparison of Hesse-Rübartsch fits with a model, in which the hyperfine parameters are described by a binomial distribution of the first three nearest-neighbor shells. We acknowledge funding by the DFG through project No. 322462997.
Keywords: Magnetic Thin-films; Local structure; Mössbauer spectroscopy; Chemical and structural disorder