
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 31: Poster II

MA 31.30: Poster

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 17:00–19:30, P1

Spin Hall driven spin-wave emission in Ga:YIG/Pt heterostructures — •Moritz Bechberger1, David Breitbach1, Björn Heinz1, Carsten Dubs2, and Philipp Pirro11Fachbereich Physik and Landesforschungszentrum OPTIMAS, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany — 2INNOVENT e.V. Technologieentwicklung, Jena, Germany

The development of a DC driven and scalable spin-wave source that exhibits a self-adaptive frequency is desirable. In particular, spin currents can be used for these spin-wave sources, but instead of radiating energy in the form of propagating spin waves, localized oscillations occur in most systems due to the underlying negative nonlinear frequency shift. Here, a heterostructure consisting of an yttrium iron garnet thin film substituted with gallium atoms (Ga:YIG), which exhibits a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, and a thin layer of platinum is employed. The heterostructure allows studies in the positive nonlinear frequency shift regime for in-plane magnetization. A spin current is locally injected into the Ga:YIG film via the spin Hall effect by applying a direct current to the platinum pad. This allows for the study of the spin-wave emission into the adjacent Ga:YIG waveguide. The emission of spin waves was found to be partially decoupled from the auto-oscillation and is restricted to a narrow frequency and wave-vector range. This work provides a proof-of-concept and the fundamental basis for the development of spin-wave emitters utilizing this mechanism. This research is funded by the DFG - Project No. 271741898, TRR 173-268565370 (B01), and the ERC Grant No. 101042439 CoSpiN.

Keywords: Spin Waves; Magnonics; Auto-oscillation; Spin-Torque auto-oscillator; Spin-Hall nano-oscillator

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg