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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 31: Poster II

MA 31.38: Poster

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 17:00–19:30, P1

Realization of Inverse-Design Magnonic Logic Gates — •Fabian Majcen1,2, Noura Zenbaa1,2, Claas Abert1,3, Florian Bruckner1,3, Norbert Mauser3,4, Thomas Schrefl3,5, Qi Wang6, Dieter Süss1,3, and Andrii Chumak1,31University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Vienna 1090, Austria — 2University of Vienna, Vienna Doctoral School in Physics, Vienna 1090, Austria — 3Research Platform MMM "Mathematics-Magnetism-Materials", University of Vienna, Vienna 1090, Austria — 4Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Vienna 1090, Austria — 5Center for Modelling and Simulation, Donau-Universität Krems, Wiener Neustadt, 2700, Austria. — 6School of Physics, Hubei Key Laboratory of Gravitation and Quantum Physics

The field of Magnonics, which utilizes magnons, the quanta of spin waves, for energy-efficient data processing, has made significant advancements through the application of inverse design. A universal magnonics processor has been developed, utilizing a 7x7 array of independent current loops to generate local inhomogeneous magnetic fields, thereby scattering spin waves in an Yttrium-Iron-Garnet film to achieve various functionalities. In this system, binary data ('0' and '1') is encoded in the spin-wave amplitude, and by making use of the nonlinearity of spin waves and applying the inverse-design process, logic gates including NOT, OR, NOR, AND, NAND, and a half-adder have been successfully created.

Keywords: Magnonics; spin waves; inverse design; logic gates; boolean computing

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg