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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 31: Poster II

MA 31.6: Poster

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 17:00–19:30, P1

A materials library for cryogenic magnetocaloric cooling — •T. Gottschall, E. Bykov, M. Straßheim, T. Niehoff, C. Salazar-Mejía, and J. Wosnitza — Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), Dresden, Germany

Magnetic cooling is a refrigeration technique that is based on the so-called magnetocaloric effect, the change of temperature caused by a magnetic field. It can be utilized to construct environmentally friendly cooling devices, air conditioners, and heat pumps. Originally, magnetic cooling was used to achieve ultra-low temperatures near absolute zero. Recently, low temperatures have once again become the focus of attention as an area of application for magnetocaloric cooling namely for efficient hydrogen liquefaction. In this contribution, we will present our materials library for cryogenic applications. The basis for this is our research infrastructure at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which includes both static and pulsed fields. Our aim is to gain a better understanding of the magnetocaloric materials required for the cooling process, to provide consistent data sets for simulations, and to drive magnetic hydrogen liquefaction forward making it an energy efficiency alternative to conventional technology.

Keywords: rare earth; magnetocaloric effect; adiabatic temperature change; magnetic anisotropy

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg