
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 33: Non-Skyrmonic Magnetic Textures I

MA 33.3: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 10:00–10:15, H16

Strain-induced spin spiral in Dy-doped Ferrite films — •Holger Meyerheim1, Anupam Singh1, Verena Ney2, Andreas Ney2, Arthur Ernst2, Malleshwararao Tangi1, Ilya Kostanovski1, Manuel Valvidares3, Pierluigi Gargiani3, Jean-Marc Tonnerre4, Stuart S. P. Parkin1, and Katayoon Mohseni11MPI f. Mikrostrukturphysik, D-06120 Halle — 2Johannes Kepler University, A-4040 Linz (Austria) — 3ALBA Synchrotron, E-08290 Cerdanyola del Valles (Spain) — 4Institut Neel, CNRS & Univ. J. Fourier, F-38042 Grenoble (France)

Ferrites are known as textbook ferrimagnets. Recent interest in oxides as low-dissipation materials in spintronics has also focused interest on the modification of the spin texture of oxides in general [1]. Here we present a combined experimental and theoretical study which shows that in 5-40 nm thick Dy-doped Ni-ferrite films the local structural strain and the resulting concomitant symmetry reduction induced by the large Dy3+ ions incorporated in the percent concentration range into the octahedral sites of the spinel-type structure leads to the emergence of the chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). The DMI is responsible for the onset of a non-collinar spin texture. Using soft x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments in the vicinity of the Fe- and Ni-L2,3- and the Dy-M4,5 edges we develop a model in which the Fe and Ni magnetic moments are aligned in a spiral-like spin texture with a q-vector almost parallel to [001]. This work is supported by the DFG under grant MO 4198/2-1. [1] L. Caretta, et al., Nat. Comm. 11, 1090 (2020)

Keywords: Non-collinear spin texture; Dy-doped spinel ferrite; Resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering; Exteded x-ray absorption fine structure; Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg