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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 4: Electron Theory of Magnetism and Correlations

MA 4.5: Vortrag

Montag, 17. März 2025, 10:30–10:45, H19

Pressure-induced effects on the electronic band topology, magnetic order, and transport properties in FeSn — •Artem Chmeruk1, Lilian Prodan2, and Liviu Chioncel31University of Augbusrg — 2University of Augbusrg — 3University of Augbusrg

The family of kagome metals offers a fruitful platform for investigating the interplay between electronic band structure topology and various properties such as magnetism, electrical and optical response, etc. A rather promising topic of research is to control the positions of various topological features such as band (anti-) crossings of different dimensions (nodal points, lines, etc.) by some external parameters. For example, applying an external magnetic field could lead to band reconsctruction and therefore move the band crossings to different locations in the BZ. In a similar fashion, external pressure provides an opportunity to control these topological features both in terms of their location in the momentum space and on the energy scale. The possibility of moving such crossings closer to the Fermi level would immediately have an effect on the various observable quantities such as anomalous Hall conductivity. In this work, we study the effect of pressure on the magnetic order and the electronic band structure in FeSn up to 10 GPa. Furthermore, we investigate changes in the Berry curvature and its influence on the transport properties.

Keywords: Density functional theory; Magnetism; Berry curvature; Anomalous Hall conductivity; Pressure

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg