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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 40: Frustrated Magnets II
MA 40.9: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 17:15–17:30, H20
Easy-axis Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice: from supersolid to gapped solid — •Martin Ulaga1, Jure Kokalj2,3, Takami Tohyama4, and Peter Prelovšek3 — 1Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany — 2Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia — 3Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan — 4Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
We investigate the easy-axis Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice by numerically studying excitations and the dynamical spin structure factor Sµµ(q,ω). Results are analyzed within the supersolid scenario, characterized by the translation-symmetry-breaking parameter mz and the supersolid off-diagonal order parameter m⊥. We find very robust mz > 0 in the whole easy-axis anisotropy regime α = J⊥/Jz > 0, even enhanced by the magnetic field h>0. Results also support m⊥>0 for intermediate α <1 and h>0. Still, at small α 0.2, relevant for recent experiments on the magnetic material K2Co(SeO3)2, we find at h=0 rather vanishing m⊥∼ 0, consistent with numerical evidence of a finite magnon excitation gap
Keywords: Spin supersolid; Anisotropic Heisenberg model