
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 41: Poster III

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:00–17:30, P3

15:00 MA 41.1 Electrical coupling of superparamagnetic tunnel junctions mediated by spin-transfer-torques — •Sinan Shu, Leo Schnitzspan, Mathias Kläui, and Gerhard Jakob
15:00 MA 41.2 Self-ordered colloid of surfactant-free hard ferromagnetic hexaferrite nanoplatelets: SAXS study — •Andrei Chumakov, Matthias Schwartzkopf, and Dirk Menzel
15:00 MA 41.3 Current Induced Markov State Modeling with Skyrmions in Geometrical ConfinementsThomas Brian Winkler, Grischa Beneke, •Yuean Zhou, Johan Mentink, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 MA 41.4 Statistical Tests for True-Random-Number Generation with Superparamagnetic Tunnel Junctions — •Robin Tietgen, Leo Schnitzspan, Mathias Kläui, and Gerhard Jakob
15:00 MA 41.5 Local spin textures stabilised by geometrically-induced strain in 2D magnet Fe3GeTe2 — •Yuhan Sun, Max Birch, Simone Finizio, Lukas Powalla, Sayooj Satheesh, Eberhard Goering, Bettina Lotsch, Klaus Kern, Alexander Holleitner, Markus Weigand, Sebastian Wintz, and Marko Burghard
15:00 MA 41.6 Harnessing Van der Waals CrPS4 and Surface Oxides for Nonmonotonic Exchange Bias in Fe3GeTe2 heterostructuresAravind Puthirath Balan, Aditya Kumar, •Sadeed Hameed, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 MA 41.7 Exploring spin-lattice coupling in the Van-der-Waals Antiferromagnet FePS3 — •David Gutnikov, Fabian Mertens, David Mönkebüscher, Richard Leven, Sophie Bork, Umut Parlak, and Mirko Cinchetti
  15:00 MA 41.8 The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 MA 41.9 Interplay of valley and spin at the interface of MnPS3|WS2 heterostructure — •Purba Dutta and Nirmal Ganguli
15:00 MA 41.10 Manipulating the sign of the interlayer exchange couplingNathan Walker and •George Browne
15:00 MA 41.11 Enhancing the ultrafast THz emission in spintronic emitters via interface engineering — •Krishna Rani Sahoo, David Stein, Jannis Bensmann, Alexander Heise, Robert Schmidt, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Manfred Albrecht, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
15:00 MA 41.12 Exploring the Coupling of Broadband Terahertz Dipoles to Metasurfaces — •Daniel Geyer, Rieke von Seggern, and Sascha Schäfer
15:00 MA 41.13 Enhancement of spintronic terahertz frequency conversion efficiency via grating structures — •Hatice Nur Koyun, Ruslan Salikhov, Ciaran Fowley, Jürgen Lindner, Stephan Winnerl, Artur Erbe, Manfred Helm, Jürgen Faßbender, and Sergey Kovalev
15:00 MA 41.14 Terahertz field induced spin wave excitation in thin ferromagnetic metals — •Sergei Ovcharenko, Hoppe Wolfgang, Alexey Melnikov, and Georg Woltersdorf
15:00 MA 41.15 Wide-field magnetic microscopy of two-dimensional magnetic materials with chiral overlayers — •Buddhika Hondamuni, Nir Bar-Gill, Angela Wittmann, and Dmitry Budker
15:00 MA 41.16 Investigating Magnetic Material Parameters Using Latent Measures — •Kübra Kalkan, Omer Fetai, Ross Knapman, Janine Graser, Atreya Majumdar, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 MA 41.17 Modeling the magneto-optical Kerr effect in three-dimensional magnetic microstructures — •Florian Ott, Christian Janzen, Bhavadip Rakholiya, Rico Huhnstock, and Arno Ehresmann
15:00 MA 41.18 Estimation of the exchange stiffness constant via domain wall widths using magnetic bilayers — •Florian Gossing, Michael Vogel, Dennis Seidler, and Jeffrey McCord
15:00 MA 41.19 Observing static and dynamic magnetic textures with nanoscale resolution using NV magnetometry — •Ephraim Spindler, Philipp Schwenke, Duc Tran, Vitaliy Vasyuchka, Mathias Kläui, and Mathias Weiler
15:00 MA 41.20 Magneto-Optical Kerr microscopy of 3D non-planar non-curved magnetic thin films: simulation and experiment — •Christian Janzen, Florian Ott, Bhavadip Bharatbhai Rakholiya, and Arno Ehresmann
15:00 MA 41.21 Exact exchange kernel for spin waves in the spin-polarized homogeneous electron gas — •Michael Neugum, Alexandre Borrameo Alcaïde, and Arno Schindlmayr
15:00 MA 41.22 3D Trajectory Tracking of Remote-Controlled Superparamagnetic Particles in Liquid — •Nikolai Weidt, Rico Huhnstock, Yahya Shubbak, and Arno Ehresmann
15:00 MA 41.23 Experimental system of clinostat and Helmholtz cage for microgravity experiments in zero-value Earth magnetic fieldMaciej Malczyk, Tomasz Blachowicz, and •Andrea Ehrmann
15:00 MA 41.24 Finite-temperature DMRG calculations for big spin systems using matrix product states — •Lukas Horstmann and Jürgen Schnack
15:00 MA 41.25 Probing the magnetic anisotropy in mononuclear 4f- and 5f-complexes by high-field/high-frequency EPR — •J. Arneth, B. Beier, and R. Klingeler
15:00 MA 41.26 Tunable π-magnetism in carbon-based materials — •Nan Cao and Adam Foster
15:00 MA 41.27 Exploring Data Representation Techniques in Deep Learning Models for Determining Ligand Field Parameters of Single-Molecule Magnets — •Preeti Tewatia, Zayan Ahsan Ali, Julius Mutschler, and Oliver Waldmann
15:00 MA 41.28 Inelastic Neutron Scattering on a Family of 3d-4f Mn2Ln2 Single Molecule Magnets — •Vishali Vishali, Julius Mutschler, Amal Bouraoui, Christopher E. Anson, Oliver Waldmann, and Annie K. Powell
15:00 MA 41.29 Magnetic behavior of cuprate 1/2 spin quantum molecular magnet — •Jakub Šebesta and Dominik Legut
15:00 MA 41.30 Spin Seebeck effect in post-annealed NiFe2O4 thin films with varying lattice constants — •Fabian Meier, Julian Straßburger, Jan Biedinger, Tapas Samanta, Luana Caron, and Timo Kuschel
15:00 MA 41.31 Sliding Through Topology: Unlocking the Tunable Hopf IndexMaria Azhar, •Sandra Chulliparambil Shaju, Ross Knapman, Alessandro Pignedoli, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 MA 41.32 Effective Geometric Model for a Magnetic Skyrmionium — •Finn Feldkamp, Alessandro Pignedoli, and Karin Everschor-Sitte
15:00 MA 41.33 Inelastic neutron scattering in multi-Q structures in centrosymmetric systems — •Artem Nosenko and Dmitri Efremov
15:00 MA 41.34 Gesture recognition with Brownian reservoir computing using geometrically confined skyrmion dynamics — •Grischa Beneke, Thomas Brian Winkler, Klaus Raab, Maarten A. Brems, Fabian Kammerbauer, Pascal Gerhards, Klaus Knobloch, Sachin Krishnia, Johan Mentink, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 MA 41.35 Direct Manipulation of Topological Spin Textures with Magnetic Force Microscopy — •Minh Duc Tran, Elizabeth Martin Jefremovas, Mona Bhukta, Thomas Brian Winkler, Robert Frömter, Dennis Meier, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 MA 41.36 Minimizing pinning of magnetic skyrmions in multilayer thin films — •Alen John, Maria Andromachi Syskaki, Jürgen Langer, Gerhard Jakob, and Mathias Kläui
15:00 MA 41.37 Exploring Topological Magnetism in Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems — •Sayan Banik and Ashis Nandy
15:00 MA 41.38 Resonant X-ray Elastic Scattering of Chiral MagnetsSina Mehboodi, •Mathew James, Victor Ukleev, Chen Luo, Florin Radu, Christian H Back, and Aisha Aqeel
15:00 MA 41.39 Topological Phase Transition and Topological Protection in Van Der Waals Ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 Thin Flake — •Sourav Chowdhury, Michael Schneider, Soumyaranjan Dash, Christopher Klose, Chithra Sharma, Lisa-Marie Kern, Tim Butcher, Josefin Fuchs, Santanu Pakhira, Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, Sujit Das, Sanjeev Kumar, Bastian Pfau, and Moritz Hoesch
15:00 MA 41.40 Thiele model computer simulations of magnetic skyrmions — •Anna Endres, Simon M. Fröhlich, Jan Rothörl, Maarten A. Brems, Raphael Gruber, Leonie-C. Dany, Tobias Sparmann, Mathias Kläui, and Peter Virnau
15:00 MA 41.41 Effective field theory of the Quantum Skyrmion Hall Effect — •Vinay Patil, Rafael Flores-Calderòn, and Ashley M. Cook
15:00 MA 41.42 A C*-algebraic approach to orbital magnetization in skyrmion crystals and finite magnetic fields — •Pascal Prass, Duco van Straten, and Yuriy Mokrousov
15:00 MA 41.43 Stoichiometry-control of topological ground states in the Kondo lattice CeAlGe — •Soohyeon Shin, Igor Plokhikh, Jonathan White, Vladimir Pomjakushin, Pascal Puphal, and Ekaterina Pomjakushina
15:00 MA 41.44 Quasiparticle interference in an altermagnetic tight-binding model — •Eric Petermann, Kristian Maeland, and Björn Trauzettel
15:00 MA 41.45 Spin-Orbit Torque in RuO2|Py multilayer systems — •Niklas Schmolka, Maik Gaerner, Jan Schmalhorst, and Günter Reiss
15:00 MA 41.46 Growth of altermagnetic MnTe thin films — •Lena Hirnet, Marco Dittmar, Hannes Haberkamm, Maximilian Ünzelmann, and Friedrich Reinert
15:00 MA 41.47 Interplay and Robustness of Dual-sublattice Altermagnetic Ordering in Er2Ru2O7 — •Michele Reticcioli, Paolo Radaelli, and Alessandro Stroppa
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg