Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 41: Poster III
MA 41.47: Poster
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 15:00–17:30, P3
Interplay and Robustness of Dual-sublattice Altermagnetic Ordering in Er2Ru2O7 — •Michele Reticcioli1, Paolo Radaelli2, and Alessandro Stroppa1 — 1CNR-SPIN L’Aquila, Italy — 2University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Altermagnets, a novel class of magnetic materials, bridge the gap between conventional antiferromagnets and ferromagnets by hosting spin-split electronic structures without net magnetization. These materials hold promise for spintronic applications due to their unique symmetry-driven properties. In this work, we explore altermagnetism in the oxide semiconductor Er2Ru2O7, which exhibits a rare double altermagnetic ordering arising from the Er and Ru magnetic sublattices. Using density functional theory, we investigate the interplay between the two sublattices, giving rise to two Neel vector order parameters, revealing a complex interplay that shapes the material’s magnetic behavior. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of doping on the magnetic properties. Our findings show that while the Er sublattice demonstrates remarkable robustness against p-doping, the Ru sublattice undergoes significant changes. Notably, local substitution of oxygen atoms with nitrogen dopants leads to a drastic alteration in the Ru-sublattice magnetic ordering. These results shed light on altermagnetism in oxides, particularly on the interplay between sublattices and the sensitivity to doping, opening new avenues for tailoring magnetic properties in altermagnets for technological applications.
Keywords: altermagnet; dual; sublattice; doping; DFT