
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 43: Skyrmions III / Non-Skyrmionic Magnetic Textures II

Freitag, 21. März 2025, 09:30–13:15, H16

09:30 MA 43.1 All-Optical Control of Bubble and Skyrmion Breathing — •Tim Titze, Sabri Koraltan, Timo Schmidt, Dieter Suess, Manfred Albrecht, Stefan Mathias, and Daniel Steil
09:45 MA 43.2 Spiral multiferroics as a natural skyrmion racetrack — •Luca Maranzana, Maxim Mostovoy, Naoto Nagaosa, and Sergey Artyukhin
10:00 MA 43.3 Pathways to Bubble and Skyrmion Lattice Formation in Fe/Gd MultilayersTim Titze, Sabri Koraltan, Timo Schmidt, Dieter Suess, Manfred Albrecht, Stefan Mathias, and •Daniel Steil
10:15 MA 43.4 Nitrogen-vacancy scanning imaging of a room-temperature skyrmion lattice in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3-xGaTe2 — •Young-Gwan Choi, Hayden Binger, Luke Turnbull, Yejin Lee, Lotte Boer, Chenhui Zhang, Haneul Kim, Claire Donnelly, Hyunsoo Yang, and Uri Vool
10:30 MA 43.5 Controlling topolopogical spin textures in Heusler magnetic nanowires — •Rikako Yamamoto, Luke Turnbull, Marisel Di Petro Martinez, Jeffrey Neethirajan, José Claudio Corsaletti Filho, Simone Finizio, Tim Butcher, Igor Beinik, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess, Praveen Vir, Chandra Shekar, Claudia Felser, and Claire Donnelly
  10:45 MA 43.6 The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of MA 43.8).
11:00 MA 43.7 Field-induced Reversal of Magnetic Anisotropy in Skyrmion Hosts — •Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Bertalan Szigeti, Mamoun Hemmida, Dieter Ehlers, and István Kézsmárki
  11:15 MA 43.8 The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of MA 43.6).
  11:30 15 min. break
11:45 MA 43.9 Tunable magnetic skyrmion bubbles in centrosymmetric magnetsDola Chakrabartty, István Kézsmárki, and •Ajaya Kumar Nayak
12:00 MA 43.10 Gate-Voltage-Induced Changes of the Magnetic Properties of Skyrmion-Hosting Gd/Fe Multilayers — •Sebastian Hofmann, Steffen Wittrock, Tamer Karaman, Sascha Petz, Daniel Metternich, Krishnanjana Puzhekadavil Joy, Kai Litzius, and Felix Büttner
12:15 MA 43.11 Shape anisotropy in helimagnets — •Jan Masell, Maurice Colling, Mariia Stepanova, Mario Hentschel, and Dennis Meier
12:30 MA 43.12 Extraordinary return point memory of Pt/Co/Dy ferrimagnetic multilayers — •Tamer Karaman, Kai Litzius, Sebastain Wintz, Aladin Ullrich, Daniel Metternich, Steffen Wittrock, Krishnanjana Joy, Sebastian Hoffman, Timo Schmidt, Manfred Albrecht, and Felix Büttner
12:45 MA 43.13 Fascinating mesoscale magnetic textures in the topological Kagome system TbMn6Sn6 — •Ralph Rajamathi, Manuel Zahn, Kai Litzius, István Kézsmárki, and Sándor Bordács
13:00 MA 43.14 Domain walls with 90 magnetization rotation in the topological kagome magnet TbMn6Sn6 — •Manuel Zahn, Ralph Rajamathi, Kai Litzius, Dennis Meier, Sándor Bordács, and István Kézsmárki
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg