Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 43: Skyrmions III / Non-Skyrmionic Magnetic Textures II
MA 43.5: Talk
Friday, March 21, 2025, 10:30–10:45, H16
Controlling topolopogical spin textures in Heusler magnetic nanowires — •Rikako Yamamoto1,2, Luke Turnbull1,2, Marisel Di Petro Martinez1,2, Jeffrey Neethirajan1, José Claudio Corsaletti Filho1, Simone Finizio3, Tim Butcher3,4, Igor Beinik5, Claas Abert6, Dieter Suess6, Praveen Vir1, Chandra Shekar1, Claudia Felser1, and Claire Donnelly1,2 — 1MPI-CPfS, Dresden, Germany — 2WPI-SKCM2, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan — 3PSI, Villigen, Switzerland — 4MBI, Berlin, Germany — 5MAX-IV, Lund, Sweden — 6University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Nontrivial topological spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions, have been attracting considerable interest due to their fundamental properties and potential applications. Antiskyrmions, commonly found in materials with anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, are of particular interest due to their complex winding, and prospect for unidirectional motion. However, such textures are energetically degenerate, and their formation remains open to exploration. Here we gain control over the formation and stability of antiskyrmions by nanopatterning anti-skyrmion-hosting Heusler magnets. By patterning nanowires oriented at different angles to the crystallographic unit cell, we combine intrinsic and geometrical anisotropies. Using x-ray dichroic ptychography to image the magnetic configuration of these nanowires, we observe that the competition between geometrical and intrinsic anisotropy can lead to preferential formation of topological objects in the nanostructure. This approach provides new opportunities for enhanced control of topological spin textures.
Keywords: skyrmion; antiskyrmion; nanopatterning; STXM; x-ray imaging