
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 45: Computational Magnetism

Freitag, 21. März 2025, 09:30–12:30, H18

09:30 MA 45.1 Magnetic Interactions and Spin Coupling in Endohedral Fullerene Nanostructures — •Arkamita Bandyopadhyay and Jamal Berakdar
09:45 MA 45.2 Intrinsic Spin Nernst Effect and Chiral Edge Modes in vdW Ferromagnetic Insulators: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vs. Kitaev Interactions — •Verena Brehm and Alireza Qaiumzadeh
10:00 MA 45.3 Origin of MAE and second order MAE due to the magnetostriction in tetragonal systems - FePt study — •Dominik Legut and Pablo Nieves
10:15 MA 45.4 High-throughput workflow for predicting magnetic ground states — •Hao Wang and Hongbin Zhang
10:30 MA 45.5 Semiclassical approach to the exchange interactions and spin waves in double-layered antiferromagnetsSeo-Jin Kim, Zdeněk Jirák, Jiří Hejtmánek, Karel Knížek, Helge Rosner, and •Kyo-Hoon Ahn
10:45 MA 45.6 Tuning Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe3Y Through Transition Metal Doping: An Ab-Initio High-Throughput Study — •Md Nur Hasan and Heike Herper
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 MA 45.7 Programmable Magnetophononics: Selective Damping of Surface Acoustic Waves — •Michael Karl Steinbauer, Peter Flauger, Bernhard Emhofer, Matthias Küß, Stephan Glamsch, Manfred Albrecht, and Claas Abert
11:30 MA 45.8 Mean-Field Approximation and ab-initio calculations in Tetragonal Mn2-based Heusler compounds. — •Jorge Cardenas-Gamboa, Arthur Ernst, Maia G Vergniory, Edouard Lesne, Claudia Felser, and Paul McClarty
11:45 MA 45.9 First-Principles Study of Non-Collinear Magnets: Spin Models and Cluster Multipole Theory — •Juba Bouaziz, Takuya Nomoto, and Ryotaro Arita
12:00 MA 45.10 Memory-Efficient Inverse Design for Advanced Magnonic Devices Using Level-Set Optimization — •Andrey Voronov, Marcos Cuervo Santos, Florian Bruckner, Dieter Suess, Andrii Chumak, and Claas Abert
12:15 MA 45.11 Magnetoelectric coupling in type-I multiferroics via domain walls — •Aditya Putatunda and Sergey Artyukhin
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg