Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 47: Altermagnets III
MA 47.3: Talk
Friday, March 21, 2025, 10:00–10:15, H20
Non-linear anomalous Edelstein response at altermagnetic interfaces — •Mattia Trama1,2, Irene Gaiardoni3, Claudio Guarcello3,4, Jorge I. Facio5, Alfonso Maiellaro3,6, Francesco Romeo3,4, Roberta Citro3,4,6, and Jeroen van den Brink1,2 — 1IFW Dresden — 2Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat — 3Università degli studi di Salerno — 4INFN - Sezione collegata di Salerno — 5Centro Atomico Bariloche, Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia (CNEA-CONICET) and Instituto Balseiro — 6CNR-SPIN
In altermagnets, time-reversal symmetry breaking spin-polarizes electronic states, while total magnetization remains zero. In addition, at altermagnetic surfaces Rashba-spin orbit coupling is activated due to broken inversion symmetry, introducing a competing spin-momentum locking interaction. Here we show that their interplay leads to the formation of complex, chiral spin textures that offer novel, non-linear spin-to-charge conversion properties. Whereas altermagnetic order suppresses the canonical linear in-plane Rashba-Edelstein response, we establish the presence of an anomalous transversal Edelstein effect for planar applied electric and magnetic field, or alternatively, an in-plane magnetization. Moreover the non-linear Edelstein response resulting purely from electric fields also triggers the anomalous out-of-plane magnetization. We determine the anomalous response with a model based on the ab-initio electronic structure of RuO2 bilayers, ultimately opening experimental avenues to explore spin-charge conversion phenomena at altermagnetic interfaces.
Keywords: Edelstein effect; Spintronics; Interfaces; Non-linear; Altermagnets