Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 6: Skyrmions I
MA 6.11: Talk
Monday, March 17, 2025, 18:00–18:15, H16
The impact of the non-chiral magnetic fan state on the transformation of chiral textures in Mn1.4PtSn — M. Winter1,2, A. Pignedoli3, M.C. Rahn4, A.S. Sukuhanov4, A. Tahn2, S. Schneider2, D. Pohl2, M. Azhar3, K. Everschor-Sitte3, J. Geck4, G. van der Laan5, T. Hesjedal5,6, P. Vir1, C. Felser1, and •B. Rellinghaus2 — 1MPI CPfS, Dresden, Germany — 2DCN, TU Dresden, Germany — 3Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany — 4IFMP, TU Dresden, Germany — 5Diamond Light Source, UK — 6Univ. Oxford, UK
The Heusler compound Mn1.4PtSn is a chiral magnet that exhibits a rich of variety non-topological and topologically protected chiral magnetic textures at room temperature. We have used Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM) supported by resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS) and micromagnetic simulations to characterize the emerging magnetic structures as function of the magnitude and orientation of an external magnetic field. We find that in out-of-plane fields, chiral soliton lattices emerge, while in-plane fields promote the formation of non-chiral magnetic fan domains. At fields in the stability range of the latter, the nucleation of non-topological bubbles (ntB’s) occurs. Intriguingly, ntB’s show combined characteristics of chiral solitons and the fan-type structure and may consequently be interpreted as hybrid structures of the latter. Following a distinct field protocol, ordered lattices of these ntB’s then successively transform into anti-skyrmion lattices. Financial support by DFG through SPP 2137, project no. 403503416, is gratefully acknowledged.
Keywords: Chiral magnets; Chiral Soliton Lattices; Magnetic Bubbles; Antiskyrmions