
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus

MA 8: Spin-Dependent Phenomena in 2D (joint session MA/HL)

MA 8.5: Talk

Monday, March 17, 2025, 16:00–16:15, H19

Unveiling Long-range Magnetic Textures in Twisted Moiré Antiferromagnets — •King Cho Wong1, Ruoming Peng1, Xiaodong Xu3, Elton Santo2, Adam Wei Tsen4, Rainer Stoehr1, and Joerg Wrachtrup113rd Physics Institute, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany — 2University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom — 3University of Washington, USA — 4University of Waterloo, Canada

Stacking two-dimensional (2D) materials offers a controllable and versatile platform to engineer interlayer interactions, unveiling numerous intriguing correlated and topological states. Recent progresses in twisted 2D magnets have revealed periodic ferromagnetic domains due to the local Moiré stacking. In this study, we employed scanning quantum microscopy to investigate local magnetic responses of twisted double bilayer chromium triiodide (tDB CrI3). We observed unexpected antiferromagnetic textures with periods more than 300 nm at the 1.1° twisted devices, which are significantly exceeding the corresponded Moiré size of about 30 nm. These periodic magnetic textures are setting atop randomly distributed ferromagnetic domains with net two-layer magnetization of 30 uB/nm^2 and antiferromagnetic domains with magnetization of 0 uB/nm^2. Our findings suggest that strong magnetic competition at small twisted angles (<2°) can extend magnetic textures beyond the Moiré size, leading to the emergence of Néel skyrmions after field cooling.

Keywords: Moire; nitrogen vacancy centre; 2D materials

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