
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik

MM 12: Materials for the Storage and Conversion of Energy

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 10:15–13:00, H22

Non-Lithiumbased Materials, Characterisation and Simulation Methods

10:15 MM 12.1 Where Electrons Rest After Dark: Polaron Stability in Opto-Ionic 2D Niobium Titanate — •Christoph Dähn, Yang Wang, Risov Das, Bettina V. Lotsch, Karsten Reuter, and Christian Carbogno
10:30 MM 12.2 Beyond Ion Dynamics: Efficient Charge Transport Simula- tions including Polarons at Battery Scales — •Matteo Rinaldi, Karsten Reuter, and Christian Carbogno
10:45 MM 12.3 Tuning electronic structure of CoNi LDHs via surface Fe doping for achieving effective oxygen evolution reaction — •Yunli Shi, Huaping Zhao, Junqi Li, and Yong Lei
11:00 MM 12.4 Ferromagnetic chiral hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites — •Muskan Nabi and Alessandro Stroppa
11:15 MM 12.5 Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance of Sr-Doped Barium Stannate (BaSnO3) Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical InsightsAlaa Farid, •Diaa EL-Rahman Rayan, Moataz Fayed, Saad Mohamed, Abdel Hakim Kandil, Mohamed Abd El-Nasser, and Mohamed Rashad
  11:30 15 min. break
11:45 MM 12.6 Advanced Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy techniques in catalyst analysis — •Daniela Ramermann, Michael Poschmann, Christoph Göbel, Wenchao Wan, Elisabeth H. Wolf, Saskia Heumann, Holger Ruland, and Walid Hetaba
12:00 MM 12.7 Rapid Identification of Ion Migration in Solid-State Ion Conductors from Machine-Learning Raman SpectroscopyManuel Grumet, Takeru Miyagawa, Karin S. Thalmann, Tomáš Bučko, •Waldemar Kaiser, and David A. Egger
12:15 MM 12.8 Ion Dynamics in Li-Garnet Electrolytes from Machine-Learning Molecular Dynamics and Raman Spectroscopy — •Takeru Miyagawa, Hyunwon Chu, Willis O’Leary, Manuel Grumet, Jennifer L.M. Rupp, Waldemar Kaiser, and David A. Egger
12:30 MM 12.9 Extracting Gibbs free energies from local composition fluctuations in atom probe data — •Parisha Diwan, Jianshu Zheng, Rüya Duran, Guido Schmitz, and Sebastian M. Eich
12:45 MM 12.10 Nanoscopic Bubble Formation during Hydrogen Desorption: Insight from Simulations and Neutron Scattering at the Nanometer Scale and its Impact on Hydrogen Storage Performance — •Arnab Majumdar, Neslihan Aslan, Martin Müller, and Sebastian Busch
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