
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik

MM 27: Transport in Materials: Diffusion, Charge or Heat Conduction

Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 10:15–13:00, H22

Machine Learning, Quantum Theory

10:15 MM 27.1 Modelling Heat Transport in Metal-Organic Frameworks with Machine Learned Potentials — •Martin Klotz, Florian Lindner, Sandro Wieser, and Egbert Zojer
  10:30 MM 27.2 The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of HL 3.3).
10:45 MM 27.3 Modelling complex proton transport phenomena - Exploring the limits of fine-tuning and transferability of foundational machine-learned force fields — •Christian Dreßler, Malte Grunert, Jonas Hänseroth, Max Großmann, and Erich Runge
11:00 MM 27.4 Understanding thermal transport in organic semiconductors using machine learned force fields — •Florian Unterkofler, Lukas Reicht, Lukas Legenstein, Sandro Wieser, Michele Simoncelli, and Egbert Zojer
11:15 MM 27.5 Influence of Defects and Layer Twisting on Phonon Dynamics in Bilayer Graphene and MoS2 Using Machine Learned-Force Field Calculations — •Sabuhi Badalov and Harald Oberhofer
  11:30 15 min. break
11:45 MM 27.6 Thermoelectric quantum transport simulations via the time-linear nonequilibrium Green's function method — •Riku Tuovinen and Yaroslav Pavlyukh
12:00 MM 27.7 Sublinear in temperature transport in kagome metals: interplay of Dirac cones and Van Hove singularities — •Nikolai Peshcherenko, Ning Mao, Claudia Felser, and Yang Zhang
12:15 MM 27.8 Phonon induced heat transfer between gold nanogap electrodes — •Yuki Hanamura, Kazuma Kishimoto, Mizuki Tada, Ryo Yamada, and Hirokazu Tada
12:30 MM 27.9 Hydrodynamics of Lorentz symmetric systems: a quantum Monte Carlo study — •Adrien Reingruber, Kitinan Pongsangangan, Fakher Assaad, and Maksim Ulybyshev
12:45 MM 27.10 Transport coefficients of Weyl semimetals: the contribution of plasmons — •Kitinan Pongsangangan
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg