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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 6: Phase Transformations
MM 6.5: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 2025, 16:45–17:00, H10
Chirality in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5 — H.J. Elmers1, O. Tkach1, Y. Lytvynenko1, P. Yogi1, M. Schmitt2,3, D. Biswas2, J. Liu2, S.V. Chernov4, Q. Nguyen5, M. Hoesch4, D. Kutnyakhov4, N. Wind4,6, L. Wenthaus4, M. Scholz4, K. Rossnagel4,6, A. Gloskovskii4, C. Schlueter4, A. Winkelmann7, A.-A. Haghighirad8, T.-L. Lee2, M. Sing3, R. Claessen3, M. Le Tacon8, J. Demsar1, G. Schönhense1, and •O. Fedchenko1 — 1JGU Mainz, Germany — 2DIAMOND, Didcot, United Kingdom — 3Physikalisches Institut Würzburg, Germany — 4DESY, Germany — 5SLAC, Menlo Park, USA — 6CAU Kiel, Germany — 7University of Krakow, Poland — 8KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Using x-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we study photoemission intensity associated with the changes in the geometric and electronic structure of the kagome metal CsV3Sb5 upon transition to an unconventional charge density wave (CDW) state. The XPD patterns reveal the presence of a chiral atomic structure in the CDW phase. Using circularly polarized x-rays, we have found a pronounced non-trivial circular dichroism in the angular distribution of the valence band photoemission in the CDW phase, indicating a chirality of the electronic structure. This observation is consistent with the proposed orbital loop current order. The results suggest an antiferromagnetic coupling of the orbital magnetic moments along the c-axis.
[1] H.J. Elmers et al., e-print on arXiv, 2408.03750 (2024).
Keywords: Kagome; CsV3Sb5; Chirality; CDW