
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik

MM 9: Poster

Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:30–20:30, P1

18:30 MM 9.1 Well-defined nanostructures synthesized by optimized anodic aluminum oxide template — •Linfeng Su, Huaping Zhao, and Yong Lei
18:30 MM 9.2 Ferroelectric perovskite oxides: PFM investigations of (001) surface — •Andrzej Jasicki, Marta Macyk, Llorenç Albons, Konrad Szajna, Martin Setvin, Dominik Wrana, and Franciszek Krok
18:30 MM 9.3 Pressure-induced hybridization changes in elemental silicon at Mbar pressureRobin Sakrowski, Christoph J. Sahle, •Gordon Scholz, Leonie Tipp, Mirco Wahab, Sindy Fuhrmann, and Christian Sternmann
18:30 MM 9.4 THz signatures of displacive phase transformation — •Nandita Bajpai, Michael Dittler, Ahana Bhattacharya, Alexander Kunzmann, Gabi Schierning, and Martin Mittendorff
18:30 MM 9.5 Impact of hyperthermal oxygen on alumina surfaces investigated by molecular dynamics simulations — •Stephen Hocker, Hansjörg Lipp, and Johannes Roth
18:30 MM 9.6 Ultrafast phonon-mediated dephasing of color centers in hexagonal boron nitride probed by electron beams — •Masoud Taleb, Mario Hentschel, Harald Giessen, and Nahid Talebi
18:30 MM 9.7 Raman spectroscopic studies on NiFe2O4-NiO-Ni and MgO-Steel composites as inert anode materials for aluminium molten salt electrolysis — •Felix Drechsler, Ulziikhuu Otgonbayar, Cameliu Himcinschi, and Jens Kortus
18:30 MM 9.8 Influence of the alloying elements on microchemistry and nanostructure of Sm-Co based permanent magnets — •Burçak Ekitli, Alex Aubert, Fernando Maccari, Nikita Polin, Xinren Chen, Esmaeil Adabifiroozjaei, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Baptiste Gault, Konstantin Skokov, and Oliver Gutfleisch
18:30 MM 9.9 Bonding changes in solid nitrogen under high pressureGordon Scholz, Robin Sakrowski, Johannes Niskanen, Christoph Sahle, Leonie Tipp, Mirco Wahab, Melanie White, •Peter Schäfer, Ashkan Salamat, Sindy Fuhrmann, and Christian Sternemann
18:30 MM 9.10 Grain boundary transformation induced by boron segregationXuyang Zhou, •Sourabh Kumar, Siyuan Zhang, Xinren Chen, Baptiste Gault, Gerhard Dehm, Tilmann Hickel, and Dierk Raabe
18:30 MM 9.11 Investigation of spin-crossover iron triazole complexes with carbon nanotubes — •Niloofar Azadegan, Marvin Dzinnik, Maximilian Kilic, Franz Renz, and Rolf Haug
18:30 MM 9.12 Linking Characteristic Length Scale in Nanoporous Gold to Alloy Composition and Dealloying Parameters — •Celina Passig, Jürgen Markmann, and Jörg Weißmüller
18:30 MM 9.13 Inhomogeneities at different length scales in nanocrystalline Pd-Au prepared by inert gas condensationJohannes Wild, Fabian Andorfer, Svetlana Korneychuk, Jules M. Dake, Torben Boll, Dorothée Vinga Szabó, Stefan Wagner, Carl E. Krill III, and •Astrid Pundt
18:30 MM 9.14 Development, Characterization and Catalytic Evaluation of New Nanosized metal complexes — •Tarek El-Dabea
18:30 MM 9.15 Epitaxial Stabilization of Multifunctional Oxide, Oxynitride, and Telluride Thin Films using a Hybrid Pulsed Laser Deposition TechniquePia Henning, Anna Tschesche, Shagun Thakur, Niklas Kohlrautz, Abhishek Sharma, Laura Pflügl, and •Jasnamol Palakkal
18:30 MM 9.16 EXAFS-driven Investigation of ZnO-Mn2O3 and ZnO-Mn2O3-rGO Nanocomposites: Unraveling Structural, Optical, and Electronic Properties — •Shaimaa A. Habib, Shehab E. Ali, Messaoud Harfouche, and Ahmed Awad
18:30 MM 9.17 Electrochemical determination of the diffusion coefficient of intercalating species in host metals - conditions of applicability of potential step chronoamperometry — •Magdalena Seiler, Giorgia Guardi, Stefan Wagner, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 MM 9.18 Synthesis, and Characterization of Li/Mn-Excess Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries. — •John Karuga, Mesfin Kebede, and Guido Schmitz
18:30 MM 9.19 Magnetic anisotropy and anomalous Nernst effect in cubic Fe4N films — •Karel Knížek, Jakub Vít, Mariia Pashchenko, Petr Levinský, Kyo-Hoon Ahn, Jaroslav Kohout, and Imants Dirba
18:30 MM 9.20 Thermoelectricity in Bi-directionally Strained CsSnI3 Perovskite — •Michele Reticcioli, Mariangela Ruggeri, Giovanna D’Angelo, and Alessandro Stroppa
18:30 MM 9.21 GAP vs. MACE: Efficiency evaluation in a liquid electrolyte system — •Anton Beiersdorfer, Lisa Hetzel, Carsten Staacke, Florian Deissenbeck, and Christopher Stein
18:30 MM 9.22 Navigating the Latent Space of Chemical Solid State Reactions in Hybrid Battery Interfaces — •Sina Ziegler, Christoph Scheurer, and Karsten Reuter
18:30 MM 9.23 Structure and transport properties of Li3MCl6 superionic conductors — •Ziyan Zhang, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, and Anatoliy Senyshyn
18:30 MM 9.24 Processing of non-conductive materials by electroerosion treatment. — •Anton Bespalov
18:30 MM 9.25 Structure formation and phase behavior of amine-water mixtures — •Lena Friedrich, Michael Paulus, Aurélien Perera, Martina Požar, Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht, Nicola Thiering, Jaqueline Savelkouls, and Christian Sternemann
18:30 MM 9.26 A Phase Change Material's Journey through its Energy Landscape — •Jakob Ballmaier, Sebastian Walfort, Elias Abele, and Martin Salinga
18:30 MM 9.27 Graphite Composites with Titanium as a Secondary Filler - Microstructure and Electronics — •Hoang Thinh Nguyen, Maria Gaudig, and Ralf Wehrspohn
18:30 MM 9.28 Mesoporous Ti and TiCu network structures prepared by liquid metal dealloying — •Niklas Österle, Markus Ziehmer, Fabian Andorfer, and Carl E. Krill III
18:30 MM 9.29 Role of trace elements on the GP-Zone formation Al-Cu alloys — •Sandra Müller, Isidor Switalla, Johannes Berlin, and Ferdinand Haider
18:30 MM 9.30 Irradiation Induced Defects in W-Re Alloys Studied by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy — •Lisa-Marie Krug, Danny Russell, Maximilian Suhr, Leon Chryssos, Lucian Mathes, Mikhail Zibrov, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:30 MM 9.31 Phases of AlN by machine learning potentials — •Simon Liebing, Oliver Heymer, and Jens Kortus
18:30 MM 9.32 Brittle to Ductile: Elasticity and Bonding in TiVN Hard Alloys — •Santiago Gómez, Ferenc Tasnadi, Magnus Odén, and Igor A. Abrikosov
18:30 MM 9.33 Modeling dislocation motion in aluminium alloys by DFTInna Plyushchay, Anna Pliushchai, Nebahat Bulut, Zhengqing Wei, and •Sibylle Gemming
18:30 MM 9.34 Generalized susceptibility expressed by Wannier functions — •Dominik Váňa and Jaroslav Hamrle
18:30 MM 9.35 First-principles insight into the role of electronic band filling on thermodynamic stability and mechanical properties of tantalum-diboride-based solid solutions — •Annop Ektarawong, Kunpot Mopoung, Chayanon Atthapak, Thiti Bovornratanaraks, and Björn Alling
18:30 MM 9.36 Unveiling the Origin of the Yield Stress Anomaly in L12 Intermetallics via Atomistic Approaches — •Xiang Xu, Xi Zhang, and Blazej Grabowski
18:30 MM 9.37 Modelling and Descriptor-based Synthesizability Analysis of High-Entropy Materials — •Chen-Chen Er and Rico Friedrich
18:30 MM 9.38 An extended two-temperature model for copper — •Simon Kümmel and Johannes Roth
18:30 MM 9.39 Exploring Ionic Diffusion and Heat Transport Mechanisms in NASICON Materials: A Molecular Dynamics Study — •Insa F. de Vries and Nikos L. Doltsinis
18:30 MM 9.40 Semiclassical transport in multiple Weyl points — •Ricardo Barbosa, Stuart Parkin, and Annika Johansson
18:30 MM 9.41 A novel technique for measuring 3D thermal conductivity of carbon paper — •Oliver Roser, Achour Mahfoudi, Cornelius Hahn, and Andreas Griesinger
18:30 MM 9.42 Low-temperature thermal conductivity of YAlO3 and YbAlO3Parisa Mokhtari, •Ulrike Stockert, Stanislav Nikitin, Leonid Vasylechko, Manuel Brando, and Elena Hassinger
18:30 MM 9.43 (Very) high-temperature physics of selected Planckian metals — •Zuzanna Helena Filipiak and Andrew P. Mackenzie
18:30 MM 9.44 Fitting Tensorial Properties with MACE: a Study of Li2Ti5O12 Electric Field Gradient TensorsElena Gelzinyte, Karsten Reuter, Christian Carbogno, and •Johannes T. Margraf
18:30 MM 9.45 First-Principles Analysis of Spin-Disorder Resistivity and Its Temperature Dependence — •Fabian Engelke, Felix Schug, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
18:30 MM 9.46 Tuning intrinsic anomalous Hall effect from large to zero in two ferromagnetic states of SmMn2Ge2Mahima Singh, Jyotirmoy Sau, •Banik Rai, Arunanshu Panda, Manoranjan Kumar, and Nitesh Kumar
18:30 MM 9.47 Rapid photobleaching of Yb-doped optical fibers exposed to gamma radiation by high energy ns pulsed laser — •Esra Kendir Tekgül and Bülend Ortaç
18:30 MM 9.48 Design of a setup for conducting experiments synchronized with sample scanning — •Maksim Khasanov
18:30 MM 9.49 Extreme stability of CoCrFeMnNi60 multicomponent alloys after severe plastic deformation — •Lukas Musiol, Mohan Muralikrishna Garlapati, Shabnam Taheriniya, Lukasz Rogal, Sergiy Divinskiy, Harald Rösner, and Gerhard Wilde
18:30 MM 9.50 Influence of Supercell Size Effects on the Mechanical Properties and Electronic Structure of High-Entropy Transition Metal Diborides (HETMB2)Inna Plyushchay, •Nebahat Bulut, Anna Pliushchai, and Sibylle Gemming
18:30 MM 9.51 Ab initio calculations of defects in the Mg2Ge intermetallic — •Pavel Papež, Martin Friák, and Martin Zelený
18:30 MM 9.52 Glass transition and physical aging studies of a gold based Bulk metallic glass by means of flash scanning calorimetry — •Klara Otto, Valerio Di Lisio, Daniele Cangialosi, and Isabella Gallino
18:30 MM 9.53 Glass Forming Ability, Thermal and Magnetic Properties of the Multicomponent Fe-Mo-P-C-B-Si Metallic Glass for AM Applications — •Alejandro Lejtman Rotberg, Amirhossein Ghamivi, Lucas M. Ruschel, Izzi A. Ahmad, Uma Rajput, Purbasha Sharangi, Paola M. Tiberto, Ralf Busch, and Isabella Gallino
18:30 MM 9.54 An atomistic study on the role of size and composition on the structural and thermodynamic properties of Al-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles during melting and solidification. — •Dario Gonzalo Escriba Quispe, Justo Alcides Rojas Tapia, and Gustavo Cuba Supanta
18:30 MM 9.55 An X-ray diffraction study of copper powder for laser-based powder bed fusion — •Eric Schneider, Robert Ortmann, Julia Frank, Fabienne Hellwig, Tobias Grimm, Michael Blüm, Lena Friedrich, Michael Paulus, Jaqueline Savelkouls, Jan T. Sehrt, Christian Sternemann, and Arne Röttger
18:30 MM 9.56 Linking Process Parameters and Heat Treatment to Microstructural Properties of PBF-LBM 316L Steel for Structural Hydrogen Use — •Tim Haag, •Kai Stefan Lagemann, Stefan Wagner, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 MM 9.57 Analysis of the Crack Formation in Printed Nanosilver Using In Situ Bending Technique — •Lennart Schwan, Michaela Klöcker, Michael Feige, Laila Bondzio, Thomas Kordisch, and Sonja Schöning
18:30 MM 9.58 Atomistic Simulation of Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Metals — •Aamir Siddiqui, Simon Kümmel, and Johannes Roth
18:30 MM 9.59 Nanoscale characterization of AM316L stainless steel for hydrogen application — •Gabriele Palazzo, •Felix Stierle, Kai Stefan Lagemann, Christian Kübel, Stefan Wagner, and Astrid Pundt
18:30 MM 9.60 Fine-tuning of machine learning interatomic potential for the prediction of phonon properties — •Jonas Grandel, Philipp Benner, and Janine George
18:30 MM 9.61 Learning the Reduced Density Matrix Functional from Quantum Processors and Using Density Matrix Embedding Theory to Extend its Universality — •Martin Uttendorfer
18:30 MM 9.62 Integrating Long-Range Interactions into Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials — •Tulga-Erdene Sodjargal, Egor Rumiantsev, Philip Loche, and Michele Ceriotti
18:30 MM 9.63 pyiron - Automated Workflows for Materials Science — •Jan Janssen, Marvin Poul, Sarath Menon, Tilmann Hickel, and Joerg Neugebauer
18:30 MM 9.64 Investigating the Impact of Optimization Algorithms on Element-Substitution Based Materials Discovery — •David Greten, Konstantin Jakob, Karsten Reuter, and Johannes T. Margraf
18:30 MM 9.65 The APyT Package: From Raw Data to Three-Dimensional Reconstruction — •Sebastian Eich
18:30 MM 9.66 Relation between the electronic structure and X-ray absorption spectra discussed using multiple-scattering formalismHubert Ebert, •Sergiy Mankovsky, and Jan Minar
18:30 MM 9.67 Upgrading the Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectrometer at FRM II — •Danny R Russell, Francesco Guatieri, Leon Chryssos, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:30 MM 9.68 High-entropy alloy pre-screening for lead-free halide double perovskites from material databases — •Marina S. Günthert, Bernd Meyer, and Christoph J. Brabec
18:30 MM 9.69 Effect of 4f occupancy on L3 edge of Cerium — •Prathibha Chandrashekhar, Patrik Thunström, Felix Sorgenfrei, and Heike Herper
18:30 MM 9.70 Stability of AgI Polymorphs and the AgI(0001) Surface Reconstruction — •Angela Rittsteuer, Andrea Conti, Michael Schmid, and Georg Kresse
18:30 MM 9.71 Investigation of Lloyd’s formula at finite electronic temperatures — •Christian Maas, Michael Czerner, and Christian Heiliger
18:30 MM 9.72 Fiber composite materials in construction of go-cart. — •Mikhail Brusnikin
  18:30 MM 9.73 The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:30 MM 9.74 Hybrid soldering: Interfacial flux-doping of Cobalt nanoparticles hindering the formation and growth of intermetallic compound (IMCs) layers — •Farzad Khodabakhshi, Irina Wodak, Andriy Yakymovych, Gerhard Wilde, and Golta Khatibi
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg