Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 9: Poster
MM 9.11: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:30–20:30, P1
Investigation of spin-crossover iron triazole complexes with carbon nanotubes — •Niloofar Azadegan1, Marvin Dzinnik2, Maximilian Kilic3, Franz Renz4, and Rolf Haug5 — 1Institute of solid state physics, Hannover, Germany — 2Institute of solid state physics, Hannover, Germany — 3Institute of inorganic chemistry, Hannover, Germany — 4Institute of inorganic chemistry, Hannover, Germany — 5Institute of solid state physics, Hannover, Germany
Iron triazole complexes exhibit spin-crossover (SCO) behavior, transitioning between low-spin and high-spin states under external stimuli, making them suitable for sensing and memory applications.
This study investigates carbon nanotubes (CNTs) decorated with iron triazole to enhance electronic and magnetic properties. Current-voltage measurements were performed on bare and decorated CNTs, followed by cryostat measurements under controlled conditions. Preliminary results suggest interactions between SCO behavior and CNTs, with ongoing analysis to explore their potential in advanced electronics.
Keywords: carbon nanotubes; spin-crossover; iron triazole complexes; high-spin; low-spin