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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 9: Poster
MM 9.52: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:30–20:30, P1
Glass transition and physical aging studies of a gold based Bulk metallic glass by means of flash scanning calorimetry — •Klara Otto1, Valerio Di Lisio2, Daniele Cangialosi2, and Isabella Gallino1 — 1Technische University Berlin, Chair for Metallic Materials, Berlin, Germany — 2DIPC, San Sebastián, Spain
Flash scanning calorimetry is used to study the glass transition of metallic glasses, during direct solidification from the melt [1,2] and by reheating with rates up to thousands of K/s. This enables the access to the supercooled liquid state by avoiding crystallization during the cooling stages.
Glassy materials relax over time when held below the glass transition temperature, to minimize their excess thermodynamic properties. A new methodology to compare the relaxation times related to the atomic mobility with those determined throughout glassy aging of a gold based metallic glass, is presented. Isothermal physical aging was performed to retrieve the temperature dependent timescales of the alpha relaxation. Additionally, the characteristic time of glassy relaxation are retrieved in a wide temperature range [3] complemented with fictive temperature analysis.
The combined data were plotted on an activation diagram, that relates relaxation times to the inverse of temperature. This allowed to investigate relaxation time scales spanning 7 orders of magnitude using a single experimental technique.
[1] Di Lisio, V,(2023),Nat. Commun.,14(1),[2] Monnier, X,(2020),Sci. Adv.,6(17),[3] Gallino, I,(2018), Acta Mater.,144
Keywords: Flash scanning calorimetry (FSC); gold based metallic glass