
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 10: Focus Session Ultrafast Electron Microscopy at the Space-Time Limit II

Montag, 17. März 2025, 15:00–17:45, H2

Shaping functionalities on the nanoscale is one of the most essential challenges in modern condensed matter research. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay of the electronic, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom in materials and requires tailoring energy transfer and dissipation pathways on the smallest length and fastest timescales. Recent instrumentation breakthroughs in different varieties of pump-probe ultrafast electron microscopy have opened the way for accessing electronic and structural dynamics at surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures with down-to-attosecond resolution in time. While ultrafast photoemission electron microscopy techniques provide supreme sensitivity to spin and electron dynamics in real momentum space, bright ultrashort electron pulses in the ultrafast implementation of more traditional electron microscopes can probe optical states, local magnetization, and lattice dynamics with a nanometer spatial resolution.

This focus session highlights recent advances in ultrafast high-resolution electron probing. These include new instrumentation and techniques, excitations from the THz to X-ray regime, and studying novel phenomena and materials systems. At the same time, it will bring together researchers from the different areas of ultrafast condensed matter physics to foster discussions and new collaborations to explore emergent scientific questions in this field.

Organized by
Armin Feist (MPI Göttingen) and Benjamin Stadtmüller (University Augsburg).

15:00 O 10.1 Hauptvortrag: Probing coherent optical emission processes with ultrafast scanning electron microscopy — •Albert Polman
15:30 O 10.2 Spectrally resolved free electron-light coupling strength in a transition metal dichalcogenide — •Soufiane El kabil, David Lerchenberger, Niklas Müller, Jonathan Weber, Alexander Schröder, and Sascha Schäfer
15:45 O 10.3 Simulating Quantum Spin Dynamics in Transmission Electron Microscopy — •Santiago Beltrán Romero, Dennis Rätzel, Stefan Löffler, and Philipp Haslinger
16:00 O 10.4 Ultra-Nonlinear Subcycle Photoemission of Few-Electron States from Sharp Gold Nanotapers — •Germann Hergert, Rasmus Lampe, Andreas Wöste, and Christoph Lienau
16:15 O 10.5 Hauptvortrag: Ultrafast exciton dynamics in momentum spaceAlexander Neef, Tommaso Pincelli, Lawson Lloyd, Shuo Dong, Samuel Beaulieu, Tania Mukherjee, Sebastian Hammer, Malte Selig, Dominik Christiansen, Andreas Knorr, Martin Wolf, Jens Pflaum, Laurenz Rettig, and •Ralph Ernstorfer
16:45 O 10.6 Subcycle band-structure videography of quantum materials — •Vincent Eggers, Manuel Meierhofer, Jakob Helml, Lasse Münster, Robert Wallauer, Giacomo Inzani, Sarah Zajusch, Suguru Ito, Leon Machtl, Hao Yin, Christian Kumpf, François C. Bocquet, Changhua Bao, Jens Güdde, F. Stefan Tautz, Rupert Huber, and Ulrich Höfer
17:00 O 10.7 Approaching Atomic Resolution in Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy — •Sophie Schaible, Till Domröse, and Claus Ropers
17:15 O 10.8 Towards Detection of Spin Resonance Excitations with TEM — •Antonín Jaroš, Johann Toyfl, Benjamin Czasch, Michael Stanislaus Seifner, Isobel Claire Bicket, Santiago Belrán-Romero, and Philipp Haslinger
17:30 O 10.9 Laser-driven cold-field emission source for ultrafast transmission electron microscopyAlexander Schröder, •Andreas Wendeln, Jonathan Weber, Masaki Mukai, Yuji Kohno, and Sascha Schäfer
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg