10:30 |
O 101.1 |
Topological material in the III–V family: heteroepitaxial InBi on InAs — •L. Nicolaï, J. Minár, M.C. Richter, O. Heckmann, J.-M. Mariot, U. Djukic, J. Adell, M. Leandersson, J. Sadowski, J. Braun, H. Ebert, J.D. Denlinger, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, P. Šutta, G.R. Bell, M. Gmitra, and K. Hricovini
10:45 |
O 101.2 |
Hidden spin-texture in an inversion-symmetric Dirac crystal — Kenta Hagiwara, Peter C. Schmitz, Philipp Rüßmann, Xin Liang Tan, Ying-Jiun Chen, Kui-Hon Ou Yang, Raman Sankar, Chien Jing, Yi-Hsin Shen, Mahmoud Zeer, Dongwook Go, Iulia Cojocariu, Daniel Baranowski, Vitaliy Feyer, Minn-Tsong Lin, Stefan Blügel, Claus M. Schneider, Yuriy Mokrousov, and •Christian Tusche
11:00 |
O 101.3 |
Edge spectroscopy of the quantum spin Hall insulator indenene — •Jonas Erhardt, Mattia Ianetti, Gianni Profeta, Domenico Di Sante, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Simon Moser, and Ralph Claessen
11:15 |
O 101.4 |
Bismuthene at the Graphene/SiC Interface: A Protected Quantum Spin Hall Insulator — •Niclas Tilgner, Susanne Wolff, Serguei Soubatch, Andres D. P. Unigarro, Sibylle Gemming, F. Stefan Tautz, Christian Kumpf, Thomas Seyller, Fabian Göhler, and Philip Schädlich
11:30 |
O 101.5 |
Probing the Electronic Structure at the Boundary of Topological Insulators in the Bi2Se3 Family by Combined STM and AFM — •Christoph S. Setescak, Irene Aguilera, Adrian Weindl, Matthias Kronseder, Andrea Donarini, and Franz J. Giessibl
11:45 |
O 101.6 |
Revealing higher-order topological bulk-boundary correspondence in Bi crystals with spin-helical hinge state loop and proximity superconductivity — •Dongming Zhao, Yang Zhong, Tian Yuan, Haitao Wang, Tianxing Jiang, Yang Qi, Hongjun Xiang, Xingao Gong, Donglai Feng, and Tong Zhang
12:00 |
O 101.7 |
Simultaneous Atomic-Scale Imaging and Electronic Characterization of Wet-Chemically Prepared Bi2Se3 Nanoplatelets — •Auke Vlasblom, Victor Wesselingh, Jara Vliem, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh, and Ingmar Swart