
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 12: Nanostructures at Surfaces I

Montag, 17. März 2025, 15:00–17:45, H6

15:00 O 12.1 Imaging standing phonons within topological defect in strong coupling superconductor by scanning tunneling microscopy — •Qili Li, Thomas Gozlinski, Rolf Heid, Jörg Schmalian, and Wulf Wulfhekel
15:15 O 12.2 Directing far- and nearfield scattering with dielectric Mie Voids — •Benjamin Reichel, Mario Hentschel, Adrià Canós Valero, Thomas Weiss, and Harald Giessen
15:30 O 12.3 Influence of Plasma on the Electrode and the Electrolyte during Plasma Electrolysis — •Lukas Forschner, Jan-Luca Gembus, Peter Awakowicz, Andrew R. Gibson, Timo Jacob, and Albert K. Engstfeld
15:45 O 12.4 Structural, morphological and chemical characterization of plasma-treated NiCoO electrolyzer anodes — •Timo Wagner, Nicolas Wöhrl, Vineetha Vinayakumar, Christian Marcks, Anna Mechler, Doris Segets, and Axel Lorke
16:00 O 12.5 Artificial Atoms: Energy-Level Engineering and Shape-Dependent Reactivity — •Marco Weiss, Fabian Stilp, Michael Roessner, Max Reinhart, and Franz J. Giessibl
16:15 O 12.6 Increasing the lifetime of confined electronic states in an artificial quantum structureMarco Weiss, •Michael Schelchshorn, Fabian Stilp, Alfred J. Weymouth, and Franz J. Giessibl
16:30 O 12.7 Template-Assisted Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanodots for High-Density Resistive Switching Memory — •Yifan Xu, Connie Bednarski-Meinke, Erkai Wang, Asmaa Qdemat, Emmanuel Kennzinger, Felix Gunkel, Regina Dittmann, Yen-Po Liu, Oleg Petracic, and Mai Hussein Hamed
  16:45 O 12.8 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 O 12.9 Facilitating On-Surface Synthesis on Inert Surfaces by Using a Noble Gas Atmosphere — •Lukas Grossmann, Sascha Korn, Rochus Breuer, Michael Schmittel, Heiko Weber, Wolfgang Heckl, and Markus Lackinger
17:15 O 12.10 Functionalization of Surfaces with Ordered Arrays of Fullerenes — •Lukas Spree, Caroline Hommel, Pierre Josse, and Andreas Heinrich
17:30 O 12.11 Well-defined nanostructures for energy storage and conversion applications — •Ningxiang Wu, Huaping Zhao, and Yong Lei
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg