18:00 |
O 20.1 |
Generation of single cycle terahertz pulses for a THz-STM and improvement of the current measurement noise — •Paul Wiechers, Christian Lotze, Florian Faaber, Vibhuti Rai, and Katharina J. Franke
18:00 |
O 20.2 |
Local excitation of coherent phonons in 2H-MoTe2 by THz driven scanning tunnelling microscope — Vibhuti Rai, Junyoung Sim, •Florian Faaber, Sergey Trishin, Nils Bogdanoff, Tom Seifert, Tobias Kampfrath, Christian Lotze, and Katharina J. Franke
18:00 |
O 20.3 |
Charging of atomic defects in 2H-MoTe2 under infrared illumination — •Friedemann Lohss, Florian Faaber, Vibhuti Rai, Junyoung Sim, Christian Lotze, and Katharina J. Franke
18:00 |
O 20.4 |
Two-Color Pump-Probe STM of Coherent Phonon Dynamics in Ultrathin ZnO/Ag(111) — •Henrik Wiedenhaupt, Shuyi Liu, Akitoshi Shiotari, Adnan Hammud, Daniel Wegkamp, Martin Wolf, Takashi Kumagai, and Melanie Müller
18:00 |
O 20.5 |
Plasmonic STM-luminescence driven by a high-power spintronic THz emitter — •Alkisti Vaitsi, Luis Enrique Parra López, Vivien Sleziona, Martin Wolf, and Melanie Müller
18:00 |
O 20.6 |
Scanning Quantum Microscopy for Emergent Phases of Matter — •Ruoming Peng, Sreehari Jayaram, Malik Lenger, King Cho Wong, Xuankai Zhou, Yan Tug Kong, and Joerg Wrachtrup
18:00 |
O 20.7 |
A theoretical perspective on electroluminescence, photoluminescence and photocurrent generation in a scanning tunneling microscope — •Tomáš Neuman, Sofia Canola, Rodrigo Ferreira, Anna Roslawska, Katharina Kaiser, Alex Boeglin, Andrei Borisov, Guillaume Schull, and Martin Švec
18:00 |
O 20.8 |
Neutral Exciton-Libron Coupling via Resonant Energy Transfer in Single Molecules — •Thiago G. L. Brito, Klaus Kuhnke, Klaus Kern, and Anna Rosławska
18:00 |
O 20.9 |
Mapping adsorbed states of iron(II) phthalocyanine on Ag surfaces by plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy — Borja Cirera, •Rodrigo Cezar de Campos Ferreira, Amandeep Sagwal, Jiří Doležal, Martin Švec, and Pablo Merino
18:00 |
O 20.10 |
Investigations of the plasmon excitation of C60 multilayers on Au(111) using STM induced luminescence — •Andreas Reutter, Yannis Hilgers, Markus Etzkorn, and Uta Schlickum
18:00 |
O 20.11 |
Resonant energy transfer as a function of distance between metal-phthalocyanine molecules — •Roel Burgwal, Nikhil Seeja Sivakumar, Joëlle J. A. Schrijer, Alexander A. Khajetoorians, and Daniel Wegner