Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 21: Poster Heterogeneous Catalysis
O 21.8: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Photoelectrochemical nitrate reduction by copper oxide-based semiconductors — •Jasmin A. Zitzmann1,2, Maximilian Christis1,2, Saswati Santra1,2, and Ian D. Sharp1,2 — 1Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich, Germany — 2Physics Department, TUM School of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Germany
The photoelectrochemical nitrate reduction reaction (PEC-NO3RR) offers a route to ambient ammonia (NH3) synthesis and recycling of NO3− pollutants. Copper oxide-based semiconductors, such as Cu2O, CuO and CuBi2O4 exhibit suitable band energetics to drive this reaction. While Cu2O is reported for PEC-NO3RR, further studies are required to optimize reaction conditions and minimize photocorrosion. With this aim, the PEC-NO3RR performance characteristics of Cu2O, CuO and CuBi2O4 are investigated in alkaline and neutral aqueous electrolytes. The dominant reaction product observed is nitrite (NO2−) with Cu2O producing the highest yields. In addition, NH3 is generated by Cu2O, with an increase in selectivity at lower potentials. Photocorrosion is most pronounced for CuO, whereas CuBi2O4 shows the most consistent PEC stability. Our findings indicate the potential-dependent PEC-NO3RR product selectivity, with further research necessary to optimize the electrochemical conditions to improve PEC-NO3RR stability and NH3 yield using these promising copper oxide-based semiconductors.
Keywords: photoelectrocatalysis; ammonia synthesis; nitrate reduction