
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 23: Poster Ultrafast Electron Dynamics

O 23.21: Poster

Monday, March 17, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2

Hot carrier dynamics and band gap formation in lead intercalated graphene on Ni(111)Martin Mitkov1, Lu Lyu2, Eva Walther1, Martin Anstett1, •Alexander Schmid2, Christina Schott1, Gyula Halasi3, Nikolett Oláh3, Csaba Vass3, Zoltán Filus3, László Óvári3, Martin Aeschlimann1, and Benjamin Stadtmüller21RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau — 2University of Augsburg — 3ELI ALPS, Szeged, Hungary

The intercalation of atoms between 2D materials and surfaces offers an intriguing opportunity to tune spin functionalities at surfaces. The combination of heavy metal atoms and magnetic surfaces allows to tune the band structure of 2D materials through the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic proximity effects. In this poster, we present our recent findings on the band structure and hot electron dynamics of a Pb-intercalated graphene layer on Ni(111).

The highly reactive Ni substrate causes a charge transfer into the graphene layer, which leads to n-doped Dirac cones. Pb intercalation leads to a decoupling of the graphene, resulting in a quasi-free standing graphene layer on Ni.

Our time-resolved momentum microscopy experiment allows us to determine the influence of Pb intercalation on the ultrafast carrier dynamics of the Gr/Ni(111) interface. We discuss the momentum space distribution of the optically excited carriers at the K-point for the bare and Pb intercalated graphene and present indications for a modification of the magnetization dynamics of the Ni substrate by energy and charge transfer from the Pb-intercalated graphene.

Keywords: Graphene; Hot carrier dynamics; Lead intercalation; Time-resolved momentum microscopy

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