Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 24: Poster Scanning Probe Techniques: Method Development
O 24.11: Poster
Monday, March 17, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Implementation and characterization of all-electronic pump-probe spectroscopy on a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope — •Guido Hiller, Gaël Reecht, and Manuel Gruber — Universität Duisburg Essen, Duisburg
Pump-probe spectroscopy is a powerful technique for investigating non-equilibrium dynamics, where the time resolution is determined by the duration of the pump and probe pulses rather than the detectors bandwidth. When combined with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), this method enables dynamic measurements at the level of individual atoms and molecules, achieving both high temporal and spatial resolutions [1].
In this work, we implement an all-electric pump-probe scheme on a low-temperature STM. Cross-correlation measurements on an Au(111) surface reveal a time resolution of 100 ns. This resolution is constrained by the broadening of voltage pulses during transmission to the STM junction [2]. To address this, we conducted a detailed analysis of the frequency-dependent transmission function of the instrument. Funding support from the CRC 1242 is gratefully acknowledged.
[1] Loth et al., Science 329, 1628 (2010)
[2] Herve et al., Applied Physics Letter 107, 093101 (2015)
Keywords: Scanning tunneling microscope; Pump-probe spectroscopy