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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 24: Poster Scanning Probe Techniques: Method Development
O 24.3: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Ultra-broadband Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy for Space Exploration — •Dominic Azih1,2, Yookyung Ha2, Jonas Woeste1,2, Nikola Stojanovic2, and Michael Gensch1,2 — 1Technical University, Berlin, Germany — 2DLR Ínstitute of Optical Sensor Systems, Berlin, Germany
Femtosecond lasers have in recent years been shown to be space qualified and with the development of compact femtosecond laser systems [1,2], Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (THz TDS) allows meanwhile to cover an essential part of the molecular fingerprint spectral range and has several technological advantages over the commonly used Fourier-Transform Infrared techniques (FTIR). The advantages are compactness, replacement of components (cryogenic) spectrally broadband infrared detectors with electro-optic/acousto-optic photonic techniques and the potential to be chip-integrable. Here we show our progress enroute to a THz time-domain spectroscopic setup for space applications with a bandwidth of over 30THz and a resolution of better than 100GHz [3].
Keywords: Ultrafast; Time; Domain; Terahertz; Spectroscopy