Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 24: Poster Scanning Probe Techniques: Method Development
O 24.5: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Electron wavefront shaping with light — •martino zanetti1,2, Tilman Kraeft1,2, Luis Alfredo Ixquiac Mendez1,2, Alexandra Pernishova1,2, and Thomas Juffmann1,2 — 1University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics — 2University of Vienna, Max Perutz Laboratories
Electron Microscopes (EM) are common and fundamental tools in many research fields, as they can image samples with resolutions down to the nanometric scale. The ability to arbitrarily shape the electron beam of an EM with light can help overcome intrinsic limits like electron lens aberrations and pave the way to new EM techniques [1].
For shaping the electron beam, a modified Scanning-EM is coupled to a high-power pulsed laser. The electron-light interaction takes place in the SEM chamber. The electrons are then detected after free propagation to measure their spatial distribution. Here, we present our advancements in applying the electron beam shaping technique to demonstrate single electron wavefront modulation. The intensity profile of a TEM01 laser mode is imprinted on the wavefront of the electron, which thus resembles that of an electron going through a double slit. Adding up the detection of multiple electrons, we expect to see an interference pattern that proves the effective modulation of the electron wavefront. The need for micrometric resolution measurements required us to develop a single-electron detector which outperforms many commercially available ones in the 20-30 keV range, being at the same time more flexible and cheaper.
[1] Mihaila et al., Phys. Rev. X 12, 031043 (2022)
Keywords: electron microscopy; electron-light interaction; electron wavefront; electron detector; instrument development