
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 31: Focus Session Molecular Nanostructures on Surfaces: On-Surface Synthesis and Single-Molecule Manipulation II

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 10:30–13:00, H24

This focus session aims to discuss recent advances in the on-surface synthesis, manipulation, characterization, and understanding of complex molecular architectures on surfaces. The interest in surface-confined molecular nanostructures emerges from their prospective applications in nanoscale (opto-) electronics, spintronics, solar cells, energy storage devices, and other fields. The bottom-up fabrication of surface-supported nanostructures can be based on molecular self-assembly utilizing non-covalent intermolecular interactions, covalent on-surface synthesis, or the direct manipulation of molecules. Molecular self-assembly usually leads to highly ordered nanostructures, controlled by non-covalent interactions, adsorbate-substrate interactions, as well as thermodynamic and kinetic factors. On-surface synthesis by covalent coupling of reactive precursors adsorbed on metallic, semiconducting, or even insulating surfaces has emerged as a powerful method that has opened new possibilities in exploring new routes towards the synthesis of complex low-dimensional nanostructures with unprecedented material properties, often via novel chemical reactions not available in conventional organic chemistry. Finally, the direct manipulation of molecules with the tip of a scanning probe microscope allows for unprecedented chemical transformations or structural modifications, as envisioned by the pioneers of nanotechnology. This focus session is intended to provide a platform for addressing current trends in these closely linked fields from various perspectives in experiment and theory.

Organized by
Sabine Wenzel (University of Marburg) and Christian Wagner (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

10:30 O 31.1 AMAN-SPM: Autonomous Molecular and Atomic Nanofabrication via SPM — •Bernhard Ramsauer, Qigang Zhong, Bettina Könighofer, and Oliver T. Hofmann
10:45 O 31.2 Sliding friction over covalent bonds increases with bond orderShinjae Nam, Lukas Hörmann, Oliver Gretz, Oliver T. Hofmann, Franz J. Giessibl, and •Alfred J. Weymouth
11:00 O 31.3 Hauptvortrag: Single molecule machines on surface — •Francesca Moresco
11:30 O 31.4 How to measure cones of reaction for single-molecule collisions — •Matthew J. Timm, Stefan Hecht, and Leonhard Grill
11:45 O 31.5 Friction Anisotropy in the Sliding Motion of PMMA microsphere on Rippled PVS Surface — •Ebru Cihan, Hesam Khaksar, Kevin Lubig, Stephan Gräf, Frank A. Müller, and Enrico Gnecco
12:00 O 31.6 Electronic and phononic frictional dissipation in single-molecule dynamics at CO-decorated tips — •Lukas Hörmann and Reinhard J. Maurer
12:15 O 31.7 Manipulation of a CO molecule on a copper surface with lateral force microscopy — •Norio Okabayashi, Alfred. J. Weymouth, Shinjae Nam, Sophia Schweiss, Thomas Frederiksen, and Franz J. Giessibl
12:30 O 31.8 Intermediates, reactions and products of cyclocarbons — •Leo Gross, Fabian Paschke, Florian Albrecht, Yueze Gao, Igor Roncevic, and Harry L. Anderson
12:45 O 31.9 Temperature Induced Ring-Opening Polymerization Reaction for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanoribbons: Strain Influence on the On-surface Synthesis Using [6], [8]-, and [10]Cycloparaphenylenes — •Miguel Wiche, Qigang Zhong, Daniel Kohrs, Qitang Fan, J. Michael Gottfried, Daniel Ebeling, Hermann A. Wegner, and André Schirmeisen
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg