13:30 |
O 33.1 |
Reversible transition between (10 × 10) and (11 × 11) phases of Pb intercalated EG on 6H/SiC(0001) — •Sergii Sologub, Markus Gruschwitz, Bharti Matta, Andres David Pena Unigarro, Philipp Rosenzweig, Sibylle Gemming, Kathrin Küster, Ulrich Starke, and Christoph Tegenkamp
13:30 |
O 33.2 |
Confinement-mediated intercalation of metals in epitaxial graphene: Unlocking room temperature intercalation — •Kathrin Küster, Stefan Wundrack, Markus Gruschwitz, Sawani Datta, Bharti Matta, Teresa Tschirner, Marius Eckert, Rainer Stosch, Christoph Tegenkamp, Ulrich Starke, Klaus Pierz, and Andrey Bakin
13:30 |
O 33.3 |
Proximity-effects in epitaxial graphene: recent highlights of our Research Unit FOR5242 — S. Gemming, I. Gierz-Pehla, K. Küster, K. Pierz, Th. Seyller, U. Starke, •C. Tegenkamp, T. Wehling, and M. Wenderoth
13:30 |
O 33.4 |
Quasi-freestanding monolayer graphene achieved by Pb intercalation — •S Wolff, P Schädlich, A D Peña Unigarro, B Matta, G Ghosal, F Schölzel, P Richter, M Hutter, M Stettner, K Küster, C Kumpf, S Gemming, U Starke, C Tegenkamp, and T Seyller
13:30 |
O 33.5 |
Liquid metal intercalation of epitaxial graphene Hall bar devices on SiC — •Marc Bothe, Stefan Wundrack, Teresa Tschirner, Markus Gruschwitz, Yefei Yin, Klaus Pierz, Frank Hohls, Rainer Stosch, Christoph Tegenkamp, Hans Werner Schumacher, and Andrey Bakin
13:30 |
O 33.6 |
Mesoscopic Lateral Intercalation Dynamics of Tin Between the Epitaxial Buffer Layer of Graphene and SiC — •Benno Harling, Zamin Mamiyev, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Martin Wenderoth
13:30 |
O 33.7 |
Magnetic MnPc molecules adsorbed on epitaxial graphene — •James Oyuga, Nhung Nguyen, Uwe Gerstmann, Eva Rauls, Julian Koch, and Christoph Tegenkamp
13:30 |
O 33.8 |
Intercalation of a condensed 2D-Ag phase within the epitaxial graphene/SiC interface — •Sawani Datta, Vibha Reddy, Bharti Matta, Arpit Jain, Kathrin Küster, Joshua A. Robinson und Ulrich Starke
13:30 |
O 33.9 |
Scanning tunneling potentiometry methods for intercalated graphene systems — •Tim Güldenpfennig, Simeon Bode, Markus Gruschwitz, Martin Wenderoth, and Christoph Tegenkamp
13:30 |
O 33.10 |
Electronic and structural properties of a Sn Mott phase proximitized to graphene — C. Ghosal, •H.-T. Ngo, S. Ryee, Z. Mamiyev, N. Witt, T. Wehling, and C. Tegenkamp
13:30 |
O 33.11 |
Twisted Bilayer Graphene by Hydrogen Intercalation — •Hao Yin, Andrei Matetskii, Frank Stefan Tautz, François C. Bocquet, and Christian Kumpf
13:30 |
O 33.12 |
Near-Field Optical spectroscopy of few-layer Graphene’s interband resonances to study it’s gate-tunable band structures — •Dominique Malik, Lina Jäckering, and Thomas Taubner
13:30 |
O 33.13 |
non-equilibrium carrier dynamics of a graphene - 2D Mott insulator interface — Maria-Elisabeth Federl, •Franziska Bergmeier, Zamin Mamiyev, Niklas Witt, Tim Wehling, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Isabella Gierz
13:30 |
O 33.14 |
Sequential Intercalation of Epitaxial Graphene with Multiple Elements — •Niels Rösch, Mohammad Elkhawaga, Philip Schädlich, Fabian Göhler, and Thomas Seyller
13:30 |
O 33.15 |
Free-standing graphene films/membranes — •Leon Lasnig, Lukas Kalkhoff, Steffen Franzka, and Marika Schleberger
13:30 |
O 33.16 |
Electronic and structural properties of Bi-intercalated epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) — Niclas Tilgner, Susanne Wolff, Andres D. Peña Unigarro, Philip Schädlich, Fabian Göhler, Bharti Matta, Philipp Rosenzweig, Kathrin Küster, Mark Hutter, Monja Stettner, Hao Yin, Serguei Soubatch, François C. Bocquet, Tien-Lin Lee, Christian Kumpf, Ulrich Starke, Sibylle Gemming, and •Thomas Seyller
13:30 |
O 33.17 |
Transport Properties of Epitaxial Graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) and 6H-SiC(0001) on the Local Scale — •Simeon Bode, Benno Harling, Teresa Tschirner, Klaus Pierz, and Martin Wenderoth
13:30 |
O 33.18 |
Growth dynamics of the graphene buffer layer on SiC(0001) grown by polymer-assisted sublimation growth (PASG) — •Julia Guse, Teresa Tschirner, Stefan Wundrack, Kathrin Küster, Ulrich Starke, Philip Schädlich, Thomas Seyller, Klaus Pierz, and Hans Werner Schumacher
13:30 |
O 33.19 |
Modeling the intercalation of epitaxial graphene with main group elements from first-principles — Andres D. Peña Unigarro, Niklas Witt, Maria-Elisabeth Federl, •Alexander Korn, Isabella Gierz, Tim Wehling, Florian S. Günther, and Sibylle Gemming
13:30 |
O 33.20 |
Influence of doping on non-equilibrium carrier dynamics in graphene — •Leonard Weigl, Johannes Gradl, Peter Richter, Thomas Seyller, Camilla Coletti, and Isabella Gierz
13:30 |
O 33.21 |
Hexagons on Rectangles: Epitaxial Graphene on Ru(1010) — •Lars Buß, Giovanni Zamborlini, Cathy Sulaiman, Moritz Ewert, Mirko Cinchetti, Jens Falta, and Jan Ingo Flege