
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 42: Electron-driven Processes

O 42.2: Vortrag

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 14:15–14:30, H11

Shaping Polarons in Hematite Fe2O3: From Creation to Charge Dynamics — •Sreehari Sreekumar1, Llorenc Albons Caldentey1, Jesus Redondo Redondo1, Aji Alexander1, Sarah Tobisch2, Michele Riva2, and Martin Setvin11Department of Surface and Plasma Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic — 2Institute of Applied Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

The non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy (nc-AFM) technique has enabled breakthroughs in single-electron charge manipulation [1]. Here we use this capability to study polaron dynamics. Polarons are self-localized electrons or holes in ionic lattices that are crucial to material properties like conductivity, catalysis, and exotic phenomena such as high-temperature superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistance [2]. Polarons are studied in hematite at the single quasiparticle limit, focusing on the fundamental mechanisms involved in their injection, formation, migration, and interaction with defects [3].

1. Gross, L., et al., Science, 2009. 324(5933).

2. Franchini, C., et al., Nature Reviews Materials, 2021. 6(7).

3. Redondo, J., et al., Science Advances, 2024. 10(44).

The work was supported by project MSMT LL2324 *PoTr*

Keywords: Polarons; Hematite; Charge injection; AFM; Charge migration

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg