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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 43: Scanning Probe Microscopy: Light-Matter Interactions at the Atomic Scale II

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 14:00–15:45, H24

14:00 O 43.1 Kinetics of nucleation and crystallization of sodium chloride based on frozen solution sample preparation apparatus — •Xinmeng Liu, Jiadong Guo, Yunzhe Jia, Sheng Meng, Enge Wang, and Ying Jiang
14:15 O 43.2 Wavefunction Reconstruction of Excitonic Edge States using Machine Learning — •Aritra Mishra, Sidhartha Nayak, and Alexander Eisfeld
14:30 O 43.3 Probing topological Floquet states in graphene with ultrafast STM — •Nils Jacobsen, Melanie Müller, Michael Schüler, Martin Wolf, Angel Rubio, and Michael Sentef
14:45 O 43.4 Theoretical Study of Electronic and Optical Properties in Edge-Modified Graphene Nanoribbons — •Jian Cheng Wong, Song Jiang, Sofia Canola, Alex Boeglin, Guillaume Schull, and Tomáš Neuman
15:00 O 43.5 Correlations between noise and electroluminescence in graphene nanojunctions — •Sascha Korn, Michael Krieger, and Heiko B. Weber
15:15 O 43.6 Photon blockade in current-driven single-molecule emittersAndrés Bejarano, •Moritz Frankerl, Rémi Avriller, Fabio Pistolesi, and Thomas Frederiksen
15:30 O 43.7 Attosecond charge transfer in atomic-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy — •Katharina Glöckl, Simon Maier, Raffael Spachtholz, Carlos Bustamante, Korbinian Pürckhauer, Franz J. Giessibl, Franco Bonafé, Markus A. Huber, Angel Rubio, Jascha Repp, and Rupert Huber
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg