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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 45: Poster Spins on Surfaces at the Atomic Scale

O 45.10: Poster

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2

Investigation of impurity states on the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+x via scanning tunneling microscopy — •Melvin Grumser, Verena Caspari, Werner M. J. van Weerdenburg, and Katharina J. Franke — Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Physics, Arnimallee 14,14195 Berlin, Germany

The interaction of magnetic impurities and superconductors gives rise to impurity states in the superconducting gap, which have been widely studied for s-wave superconductors [1]. For d-wave superconductors however, only few experiments addressing the interplay of local spins and Cooper pairs, governed by an anisotropic order parameter and non-vanishing density of states (DOS) in the superconducting gap have been reported [2,3].
Here, we investigated the interaction between the high-temperature d-wave superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+x and magnetic adatoms on the atomic scale using scanning tunneling microscopy. We present measurements conducted on scandium, iron and manganese adatoms, expected to display different amounts of in-gap states due to the different number of unpaired electrons. We find strong variations in the spectra that we ascribe to different adsorption sites and variations of the density of states across the substrate.

[1] W. Heinrich, I. Pascual, K. J. Franke, Progress in Surface Science 93 (2018)

[2]U. Erdenemunkh, M. C. Boyer, Physical review letters 117 (2016)

[3] J. Davis, Nature 411 (2001)

Keywords: Scanning tunneling microscopy; high-temperature superconductivity; Spins on surfaces; Highly correlated systems

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg