O 48: Poster Surface Dynamics
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
18:00 |
O 48.1 |
Atomistic modeling of ultrafast laser induced structural changes in Bismuth — •Sahar Bakhshi Sangari, Jimiben Patel, Bernd Bauerhenne, and Martin Garcia
18:00 |
O 48.2 |
Design and Characterization of Optical Cavities for Light-Induced Phase Transitions in Indium-Based Peierls Insulators — •Florian Spickmann, Sierra Randall Heinrich, Sebastian Zafra Koch, Murat Sivis, Hannes Boeckmann-Clemens, and Claus Ropers
18:00 |
O 48.3 |
Ultrafast LEED Study of Bismuth Thin Films on Silicon (001) — •Nandana V Uday, Felix Kurtz, Jonas Fortmann, Alp Akbiyik, Michael Horn-von-Hoegen, and Claus Ropers
18:00 |
O 48.4 |
Predicting and modelling incommensurate charge density waves in 1H-TaSe2 via downfolding approach — •Clara Pfister, Laura Pätzold, and Tim O. Wehling