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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 49: Poster Nanostructures at Surfaces
O 49.4: Poster
Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Coral-like structures on nickel surfaces obtained by nitrogen plasma treatment — •Christina Meinert, Timo Wagner, Felix Schaumburg, Moritz Sünner, Nicolas Wöhrl, and Axel Lorke — Faculty of Physics, University Duisburg-Essen
For electrochemical processes, nickel sheets are commonly used as electrode material because of their low cost and easy handling. Here we report on the use of a microwave induced remote nitrogen plasma to change the surface of the nickel, improving the electrochemical and mechanical properties of the nickel electrode. During this process the surface obtains coral-like nanostructures and a nitridation of the nickel can be detected. AFM is employed to characterize these evolved nanostructures. Furthermore, EDX, Raman Spectroscopy and XPS are used to identify the chemical composition of the surface. In addition, wettability is probed as this is important for the efficiency of electrolysis. The plasma process is also applied to more complex surfaces than nickel plates such as wires and meshes. This allows to investigate the feasibility and limitations of treating these substrates.
Keywords: Remote plasma treatment; Nitrogen; Nickel; Electrolysis