18:00 |
O 49.1 |
Au induced nanostructures on Si(110) — •Stephan Appelfeller
18:00 |
O 49.2 |
XPS study of CuO, WO3 and CuWO nanoparticles-based films — •Michal Procházka, Kalyani Shaji, Stanislav Haviar, Eliška Benediktová, Radomír Čerstvý, Ján Minár, Petr Zeman, and Jiří Čapek
18:00 |
O 49.3 |
Hydroxyl Groups on Different Metal Doped Co3O4 Particle Catalysts Observed by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy — •Furong Yan, Carsten Placke-Yan, Zhipeng Huang, Yujin Tong, and R. Kramer Campen
18:00 |
O 49.4 |
Coral-like structures on nickel surfaces obtained by nitrogen plasma treatment — •Christina Meinert, Timo Wagner, Felix Schaumburg, Moritz Sünner, Nicolas Wöhrl, and Axel Lorke
18:00 |
O 49.5 |
Exploring Topological Boundary Modes in Atomically Assembled Quantum Structures — •Adrian Weindl, Christoph Setescak, and Franz J. Giessibl
18:00 |
O 49.6 |
Au vs. Ag: How Does the Choice of Substrate Influence the Formation of SAMs with Carboxylic Head Groups? — •Verena Müller, Julian Picker, Daniel Hüger, Christof Neumann, Marco Gruenewald, and Andrey Turchanin
18:00 |
O 49.7 |
Phase Transitions of Naphthalene-2,3-carbonitride Steered by Solvent Effects and Metal Ion Concentration Variation — •Longnan Yu, Li Wang, and Xiaoqing Liu
18:00 |
O 49.8 |
Bottom-up realization of quasi-1D electronic states from Cs atoms on InSb(110) — •Niek Aarts, Annique Krieg, Emil Sierda, Danis Badrtdinov, Brian Kiraly, Elze Knol, Gerrit Groenenboom, Mikhail Katsnelson, Malte Rösner, Daniel Wegner, and Alexander Khajetoorians
18:00 |
O 49.9 |
Investigation of onset field variations in annealed and as-deposited NbTiN samples through field emission scanning microscopy — •Frederic Braun, Isabel Díaz-Palacio, Lea Preece, Florian Brockner, Robert Zierold, Marc Wenskat, Wolfgang Hillert, and Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht
18:00 |
O 49.10 |
Surface Reconstructions and Photocatalysis of Thermally Reduced LiNbO3 and BaTiO3 Single Crystals — •Marta Macyk, Andrzej Jasicki, Llorenç Albons, Konrad Szajna, Martin Setvin, Dominik Wrana, and Franciszek Krok
18:00 |
O 49.11 |
Freestanding thin film cryo-EM samples for electrospray ion beam deposition and molecular imaging — •Stephanie Stankard, Stephan Rauschenbach, Lukas Eriksson, and Jingjin Fan