O 4: Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Structure
Monday, March 17, 2025, 10:30–13:00, H4
10:30 |
O 4.1 |
The Impact of the Gold Interface on the Structure and Properties of Aqueous Sodium Citrate Solution — •Elspeth Smith and Marialore Sulpizi
10:45 |
O 4.2 |
Rationalizing the “Anomalous” Electrochemical Stark Shift of CO at Pt(111) Through Vibrational Spectroscopy and Density-Functional Theory Calculations — •Elias Diesen, Mehmet Ugur Coskun, Sergio Díaz-Coello, Vanessa J. Bukas, Julia Kunze-Liebhäuser, and Karsten Reuter
11:00 |
O 4.3 |
Adatom Dynamics at Water/Pt(111) Interface from Ab Initio Free Energy Analysis — •Sung Sakong, Jonas Lindner, Ulrich Ross, Michael Seibt, Christian Jooss, and Axel Gross
11:15 |
O 4.4 |
Effect of the damping function in dispersion corrected density functional theory on properties of liquid water — •Knut Nikolas Lausch, Redouan El Haouari, Daniel Trzewik, and Jörg Behler
11:30 |
O 4.5 |
Elucidating the double layer structure of protic ionic liquid electrolytes for next-generation fuel cells — •Christian Rodenbücher, Yingzhen Chen, Federico Parisi, Piotr M. Kowalski, and Carsten Korte
11:45 |
O 4.6 |
Polarizable model of graphite and its applications to nanotechnology — Krishan Kanhaiya, Hendrik Heinz, and •Marialore Sulpiziz
12:00 |
O 4.7 |
Elucidating the interaction of small organic pollutants at ice surfaces with sum-frequency generation spectroscopy — •Gurivi reddy Yettapu, Luca B. Manning, and Jenee D. Cyran
12:15 |
O 4.8 |
Exploring Charged Aqueous Interfaces with Depth-Resolved SFG/DFG Vibrational Spectroscopy — •Sarabjeet Kaur, Álvaro Díaz Duque, Alexander Fellows, Martin Wolf, and Martin Thämer
12:30 |
O 4.9 |
Resolving the water structure at iron-oxide/water interface — •Harsharan Kaur, Moritz Zelenka, and Ellen Backus
12:45 |
O 4.10 |
Structural and dynamical properties of the Solvated Electron From Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations — •Anna Karolyna Macieira Silva Gomes and Marialore Sulpizi