
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 51: Poster Electronic Structure of Surfaces: Spectroscopy, Surface States

O 51.2: Poster

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2

Termination-dependent ARPES maps from novel magnetic Kagome metals GdV6Sn6 and GdMn6Sn6 — •Robin P. Forster1, Honey Boban1, Mohammed Qahosh1, Xiao Hou1, Yishui Zhou2, Yixi Su2, Claus M. Schneider1, and Lukasz Plucinski11PGI-6 Forschungszentrum-Jülich — 2JCNS Forschungszentrum-Jülich

The magnetic Kagome metals GdV6Sn6 and GdMn6Sn6 combine in a single material phenomena such as flat Kagome bands [1,2], local moments of the 4f electrons of Gd, and itinerant Mn or V 3d electrons [3], providing a platform to study their complex magentic and electronic interactions. We have performed termination-dependent micro-ARPES measurements with 20 µ m real-space resolution at 20 K of paramagnetic GdV6Sn6 [4] and ferrimagnetic GdMn6Sn6 [5]. Surface and bulk states could be distinguished in the series of scans made over a range of photon energies. We have chosen hν of 80 and 130 eV for GdV6Sn6 and 80, 112, 140, and 200 eV for GdMn6Sn6 for detailed ARPES scans. In addition, XPS measurements were conducted, which provide an insight into the measured terminations. Preliminary circular-dirchroic ARPES maps exhibit multiple sign inversions that stem from a combination of initial state orbital angular momenta and photoemission final state scattering [6]. [1] PRL 127, 266401 (2021) [2] PRB 104, 15122 (2021) [3] JPSJ 90, 124704 (2021) [4] JMMM 202, 519 (1999) [5] PRB 104, 235139 (2021) [6] *arXiv:2410.19652 (2024).

Keywords: angle-resolved photoemission; Kagome; circular dichroism; magnetism

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