10:30 |
O 60.1 |
Infrared beam-shaping via geometric phase metasurfaces with the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2 — •Lukas Conrads, Florian Bontke, Matthias Wuttig, and Thomas Taubner
10:45 |
O 60.2 |
Investigation of lithiated carbon as active plasmonic material system — •Valentin Maile, Mario Hentschel, and Harald Giessen
11:00 |
O 60.3 |
Hybrid resonant metasurfaces combining dielectric nanocup metasurfaces and plasmonic networks — Jelena Wohlwend, Anna Hilti, Claudiadele Polinari, Ralph Spolenak, and •Henning Galinski
11:15 |
O 60.4 |
Optical programming of Hyperbolic Phonon Polariton Resonators with the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2 — •Aaron Moos, Lina Jäckering, Lukas Conrads, Matthias Wuttig, and Thomas Taubner
11:30 |
O 60.5 |
Optical Response of High-refractive Index Nanodisk Arrays with Hyperuniform Disorder — •Davy Tesch, Koundinya Upadhyayula, Bodo Fuhrmann, Alexander Sprafke, and Ralf Wehrspohn
11:45 |
O 60.6 |
Edge-state imaging of high-precision plasmonic SSH chains — Benedikt Schurr, Luisa Brenneis, Philipp Kessler, Jin Qin, Victor Lisinetskii, •Matthias Hensen, Ronny Thomale, Tobias Brixner, and Bert Hecht
12:00 |
O 60.7 |
Analytical study of Mie void resonances — Timothy J. Davis, •Julian Schwab, Harald Giessen, and Mario Hentschel
12:15 |
O 60.8 |
In-situ Plasmonic Sensing of Surfactant Structures — •Esmée Berger, Narjes Khosravian, Ferry Nugroho, Joakim Löfgren, Christoph Langhammer, and Paul Erhart
12:30 |
O 60.9 |
Optical Sieve for Nanoplastic Detection — •Dominik Ludescher, Lukas Wesemann, Julian Schwab, Julian Karst, Shaban B. Sulejman, Monika Ubl, Ann Roberts, Harald Giessen, and Mario Hentschel