
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 64: Focus Session Atomic Scale Investigation of Magnetic 2D Materials

O 64.1: Invited Talk

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 15:00–15:30, H2

Topological spin structures in two-dimensional van der Waals magnets and heterostructures — •Stefan Heinze — Institute of Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics, University of Kiel, Germany

Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnets offer exciting opportunities for topological magnetism due to high-quality interfaces, the possibility of single-atomic layer systems, and easy control of magnetism via external stimuli [1]. Here, we explore nano- and atomic-scale topological spin structures in 2D vdW magnets and heterostructures based on first-principles calculations and atomistic spin simulations. A focus is given to heterostructures based on the 2D vdW magnet Fe3GeTe2 which is experimentally accessible and exhibits favorable properties such as a high transition temperature. An essential pre-requisite to apply topological spin states such as skyrmions in future applications is a sufficient stability which we quantify by calculating their lifetime using transition-state theory [2,3]. All-electrical skyrmion detection is proposed via the tunneling anisotropic and non-collinear magnetoresistance considering both a scanning tunneling microscopy geometry and a planar tunnel device structure [4]. Finally, the all-magnetic vdW heterostructure Fe3GeTe2/Cr2Ge2Te6 is studied and the stability of bimerons in Cr2Ge2Te6 is discussed [5].
[1] Q. H. Wang et al., ACS Nano 16, 6960 (2022).
[2] D. Li et al., Nano Lett. 22, 7706 (2022).
[3] D. Li et al., Phys. Rev. B 109, L220404 (2024).
[4] D. Li et al., Nano Lett. 24, 2496 (2024).
[5] D. Li et al., arxiv: 2408.15974 (2024).

Keywords: 2D van der Waals magnets; skyrmions

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