
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 65: Solid-Liquid Interfaces: Reactions and Electrochemistry III

O 65.11: Talk

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 17:30–17:45, H6

Stability of Pd-Rh core-shell electrocatalysts supported on Co3O4(111) in alkaline environmentAlexander Simanenko1, Jan Škvára2, Pankaj Kumar Samal2, Evanie Franz1, Robert Hübsch1, Tomáš Skála2, Nataliya Tsud2, Sascha Mehl3, Viktor Johánek2, Josef Mysliveček2, Olaf Brummel1, •Yaroslava Lykhach1, and Jörg Libuda11Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany — 2Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic — 3Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, Basovizza-Trieste, Italy

The electronic metal-support interaction (EMSI) is considered as an efficient strategy to stabilize the noble metal nanoparticles against sintering, but its consequences under the electrochemical conditions remain elusive. We investigated the effect of the EMSI on the stability of bimetallic Pd@Rh and Rh@Pd core@shell nanoparticles supported on well-ordered Co3O4(111) films in alkaline electrochemical environment by means of synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES) coupled with ex-situ emersion electrochemical cell. We found that the EMSI promotes strong oxidation of Rh metal. The extent of Rh oxidation strongly depends on the specific metal/oxide interface configuration below the core@shell nanoparticles. Our study suggests that decoupling the Rh metal and the Co3O4(111) substrate by constructing the Pd/Co3O4(111) interface below Pd@Rh core@shell nanoparticles reduces the effect of the EMSI and improves the stability of the electrocatalyst toward oxidation.

Keywords: core@shell nanoparticles; cobalt oxide; electronic metal support interaction; electrochemistry; stability

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