
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 67: Ultrafast Electron Dynamics II

O 67.6: Talk

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 16:15–16:30, H11

Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics and band structure of graphene on 2D silicon — •Maria-Elisabeth Federl1, Theresa Glaser1, Niclas Tilgner2, Thomas Seyller2, and Isabella Gierz11University of Regensburg — 2Technical University Chemnitz

Confinement heteroepitaxy, where novel 2D structures are stabilized at the interface between epitaxial graphene and SiC substrate, provides a pathway to engineer proximity-coupling between the massless carriers in graphene and the carriers in the underlying layer. If the latter is a Mott insulator, exotic electronic properties might emerge due to hybridization between itinerant and localized electrons. The Si-rich (3x3) structure on the surface of SiC(0001) was proposed to be Mott insulating with a bandgap of 1eV [1]. We used confinement heteroepitaxy to prepare a graphene monolayer on top of this putative 2D Mott insulator [2] and searched for indications of interlayer hybridization using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES). Our findings are consistent with the occurrence of ultrafast charge transfer between graphene and the Si-rich surface structure that we attribute to interlayer hybridization in agreement with predictions from density functional theory [2].

[1] Surf. Sci. 445, 109 (2000)

[2] Phys. Rev. B 94, 245421 (2016)

Keywords: trARPES; confinement heteroepitaxy; graphene/Si/SiC; interlayer hybridization

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