Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 7: Focus Session Ultrafast Electron Microscopy at the Space-Time Limit I
O 7.3: Talk
Monday, March 17, 2025, 11:00–11:15, H11
Mechanisms and Dynamics of Electron Emission from Graphitic Surfaces: Insights from Correlated and Time-Resolved Spectroscopies — •Alessandra Bellissimo1, Florian Simperl1, Felix Blödorn1, Wolfgang S.M. Werner1, Gyula Halasi2, László Óvári2, Csaba Vass2, Nikolett Oláh2, Zoltán Filus2, Tímea Grósz2, Chinmoy Biswas2, Balázs Major2, Imre Seres2, Aref Imani1, Paolo A. Carpeggiani1, Maosheng Hao1, and Florian Libisch1 — 1TU WIEN, Vienna, Austria — 2ELI-ALPS, Szeged, Hungary
The electron emission behaviour of graphitic surfaces was investigated using advanced spectroscopic methods alongside static & time-resolved Photo-Electron Emission Microscopy (PEEM). At TU WIEN, electron-pair coincidence spectroscopy on pyrolytic graphite detected correlated electron pairs from single scattering events, directly linking energy-loss processes to the secondary electron (SE) spectrum. The (π+σ)-plasmon was resolved in terms of the involved interband transitions revealing strong final-state resonances in the SE spectrum. Static photoemission from graphite(0001) was studied using PEEM at the NanoESCA end station at ELI-ALPS, employing extreme ultraviolet linearly polarised photons generated via High-Harmonic Generation in Argon. The k-space-resolved photoelectron (PE) signal associated to the above-mentioned final-state resonances in the SE-spectrum reflects the symmetry of the conduction bands involved in the PE-emission process. Attosecond time- and k-space-resolved RABBITT measurements provided insights into PE-emission dynamics across the Brillouin zone.
Keywords: secondary & photoelectron emission; time-resolved spectroscopy; electron-pair spectroscopy; graphite; electron momentum microscopy